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Washington D.C. Lifts COVID-19 Jab Mandate for Indoor Venues; Mask Mandates Dialed Back but Remain in Schools


Far-left Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced on Monday the COVID-19 jab mandate to enter indoor venues is being dropped, effective February 15th.

The mayor also stated mask mandate requirements will be dialed back starting on March 1st.

Noticeably absent from the locations the mask mandate won’t apply are schools and childcare facilities.

Watch Mayor Bowser’s press conference below:

Parents must understand that these child abusers will never take the muzzles off kids without a fight.

School boards and union leaders have scratched and clawed to mask children for over two years despite the known detrimental health impacts.

And elected officials, such as Mayor Bowser, bow to their will and enable child abuse in the school system.

FOX News reported:

Bowser was asked about when the district might lift mask mandates in schools, which have been harshly criticized by parents as potentially harming the development of children, especially younger ones.

“That’s a good question,” she said. “We continue to work with our school communities over what they think it will take to keep kids safe and in school. We thought that our last group of little ones would have access to the vaccine in February. It turns out it’s going to be sometime later. So I don’t think that we’re going to have a decision about schools sometime soon.”

Watch this clip from American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten.

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These child abusers want ZERO COVID TRANSMISSION before considering taking masks off children, who are the least at-risk of severe COVID complications.

Translation: They want the kids masked forever.

That’s why parents must send their kids to school unmasked or, preferably, remove them from the school system.

It’s time for the public school institution to crumble and remove power from child abusers that indoctrinate our future generations.


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