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RED ALERT: New York State DOH Allegedly Voting on Gov. Hochul’s Quarantine Camp Regulation TODAY – HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP STOP IT


New York Assembly Bill A416 is the infamous quarantine camp bill that would have permitted the removal of cases, contacts, and carriers deemed a public health threat by the governor.

Will New York Become America’s First ‘Fascist State?’ State Legislature to Debate Quarantine Camp Bill January 5th

It's the legislation to bring Australia-style COVID-19 concentration camps to American soil.

As noted on, the legislation was stricken several weeks ago.

Immense public outcry from "conspiracy theorists" forced bill sponsor N. Nick Perry to withdraw his bill that would transform New York into a full-blown medical fascist state.

New York Quarantine Camp Bill Reportedly Scrapped in State Legislature After Fury of Citizen Complaints; Why New Yorkers Shouldn’t Celebrate Yet

Although A416's withdraw was a victory, unelected Gov. Kathy Hochul is scheming with the New York State Department of Health to plunge the state into medical authoritarianism.

As noted last month, Hochul has drafted regulations that will allow her to arrest and imprison suspected public health threats.

Governor Hochul is Attempting to Enact Regulations That Make Her Dictator of New York “Imprison Suspected Public Health Threats”

NY Teachers for Choice explained:

Hochul is now attempting to give herself the power to detain and imprison anybody without trial who she declares to be a possible public health risk. We all know about Assembly bill A416, the public health gulag bill, which would have allowed the Governor to imprison without trial anyone she declares to be a public health risk. It sat in the assembly for six years and never went anywhere until it was finally withdrawn by the sponsor. So now Hochul will just give herself that power through a regulation. Nothing in the regulation stops her from declaring anyone who has not had the shot as a public health risk and vulnerable to arrest and imprisonment.

The regulation states:

For the purposes of quarantine orders, quarantine locations may include home quarantine, other residential or temporary housing quarantine, or quarantine at such other locations as the public health authority issuing the order deems appropriate, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue.

(b) Any isolation or quarantine order shall specify:

(1) The basis for the order;

(2) The location where the person shall remain in isolation or quarantine, unless travel is authorized by the State or local health authority, such as for medical care;

(3) The duration of the order;

(4) Instructions for traveling to the isolation or quarantine location, if appropriate;

(5) Instructions for maintaining appropriate distance and taking such other actions as to prevent transmission to other persons living or working at the isolation or quarantine location, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue;

(6) If the location of isolation or quarantine is not in a general hospital, instructions for contacting the State and/or local health authority to report the subject person’s health condition, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue;

(7) If the location of isolation or quarantine is a multiple dwelling structure, that the person shall remain in their specific dwelling and in no instance come within 6 feet of any other person, and consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue;

(8) If the location of isolation or quarantine is a detached structure, that the person may go outside while remaining on the premise, but shall not leave the premise or come within 6 feet of any person who does not reside at the premise, or such other distance as may be appropriate for the specific disease, and consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue;

(9) Such other limitations on interactions with other persons as are appropriate, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue;

(10) Notification of the right to request that the public health authority issuing the order inform a reasonable number of persons of the conditions of the isolation or quarantine order;

(11) A statement that the person has the right to seek judicial review of the order;

(12) A statement that the person has the right to legal counsel, and that if the person is unable to afford legal counsel, counsel will be appointed upon request.

Hochul also wants to enact the following regulations:

The time to take action is NOW, and I'm issuing a call for Americans across the country to help defeat this push to plunge New York into a dictatorship.

John Gilmore & Curtis Cost discuss Gov. Hochul's attempt to become New York's first official dictator in this video:

NY governor Kathy Hochul wants to sneak through a regulation that would allow her to place in detention camps anyone she deems to be a "health threat." This could be anyone, including the unvaxxed, vaxxed, as well as anyone opposing mandates. No trial is necessary, and there are no limits on how long a person can be held. This is a threat to the whole country, not just New Yorkers since if she gets away with this, other states will follow!

Sources have reported the public health meeting is voting on the regulations right now.

As stated by New York State Children's Educational Rights Community:

This is an actual dire emergency just received word from a friend of mine who works for an assembly member.... I'm going to share the text that she sent to me verbatim.



Per the New York State DOH:

The Committee on Codes, Regulations and Legislation will convene at 10:15 a.m. The Annual Full Public Health and Health Planning Council Meeting will begin immediately following the Codes Committee Meeting.

Here's a link to the webcast.

How You Can Help!

We must flood the public comments with as many outraged citizens as possible to make these tyrants know they cannot get away with this.

The deadline for comment is Monday 2/14.

As stated by, questions or comments on the material posted at this website should be directed to:

New York State Department of Health
Bureau of Program Counsel, Regulatory Affairs Unit
Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Rm. 2438
Albany, New York 12237-0031
Phone: (518) 473-7488
FAX: (518) 473-2019
Attention: Katherine Ceroalo

Questions or comments:

The New York gulag regulation is titled: "Amendment of Part 2, Section 405.3 and Addition of Section 58-1.14 to Title 10 NYCRR (Investigation of Communicable Disease; Isolation and Quarantine)"

"Amendment of Section 2.60 of Title 10 NYCRR & Repeal of Subpart 66-3 of Title 10 NYCRR (Face Coverings for COVID-19 Prevention)" references facial coverings and has the same 2/14 public comment deadline.

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

NY Teachers for Choice added:

Make phone calls and comment on social media:  You also need to get on the phone and call the Governor’s office and leave a message (real people don’t answer the phone in her office anymore.) Call the leaders of the legislature and let them know that you do not want the regulation to move forward, and you want to see S75a/A279a stopped. Their contact information is below:

Governor Kathy Hochul (518) 474-8390,  (212) 681-4580, Hochul only takes voice mail. Call anyway.

Fax (518) 474-1513

Twitter: @GovKathyHochul

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Let these tyrants know this won't be tolerated ANYWHERE IN America!


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