Earlier this week I brought you the (genius) plan for how President Trump retakes the Presidency BEFORE 2024.
As I said in those posts, you might have heard some of these things but I almost guarantee not all of the details.
I do this for a living and I had never heard some parts to the plan….totally blew my mind as I took it all in!
Most of you loved it, but some said it was just “hope” or that it “could never happen” or that we were just making stuff up.
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The only problem with all of that?
Vernon Jones just confirmed it.
Take a look:
On Day One in Congress, I’ll file Articles of Impeachment against both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for betrayal of public trust.
Then I’ll cast my vote for President Trump to be Speaker and invite my colleagues to join me. It’s time to throw out the old playbook.
— Vernon Jones (@VernonForGA) February 10, 2022
What an odd thing for him to say…unless this truly was the plan all along!
If you missed my articles earlier this week, PLEASE keep reading so I can lay it all out for you.
First of all, YES I know everyone has heard of the idea/plan that Trump could become Speaker of the House and then impeach Biden and Harris and take over.
I always dismissed it as nonsense.
Trump is not even running for Congress and being in Congress would be beneath him.
Foolishness, I thought.
But that was until I heard the extra pieces to the plan this week.
I had NEVER in my life even heard some of this was possible, but I researched it and it turns out it IS possible!
I live and breath this stuff all day long and I had no idea of some of these details, so I have a suspicion it will be new to you as well!
Let’s dig in, shall we?
Let me introduce you to Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, who has just explained in under 3 minutes how President Trump could VERY well become President again before 2024.
Let’s start with her short video and then scroll down for my analysis:
Ok, so basically here’s the summary if you’re not able to watch the video.
We have record numbers of members of Congress retiring or not running for re-election.
That plus the disaster of the Biden Regime has the Republicans set to have a massive red wave of new seats in Congress.
So many seats that they could easily conduct an impeachment of Biden and Harris.
Now here’s where it gets interesting…
What if massive fraud is uncovered JUST BEFORE that red wave happens?
What if it becomes crystal clear to even CNN and MSDNC that Biden and Harris stole the election?
What if the evidence is so irrefutable, the entire country knows it?
Well, you could try to have the election unwound and decertified, but as we’ve seen that seems to be an incredibly long process with unclear legal precedent.
But what if there were a much quicker and easier way?
What if you simply impeached Biden and Harris?
If you had a red wave, you could do it in a few days, especially if it was on the heels of clear evidence showing they cheated.
No decertification.
No constitutional problems.
Just immediate impeachment and removal.
And here’s where it gets really fun…
Who is third in line to become President?
The Speaker of the House.
So what if Trump were appointed as the Speaker of the House by that same red wave?
I previously thought this was far-fetched because he isn’t running for any seat in Congress, nor would he want to. It’s below a President.
But here’s where it gets even MORE interesting…
Did you know you don’t have to be a Member of Congress to be appointed Speaker of the House?
It’s true!
I had no idea, but I looked it up and IT. IS. TRUE!
Oh my….
Are you seeing the pieces fit together yet?
Oh baby!
From Wikipedia:
And again here:
So now you have a process that could play out in a manner of days and Trump suddenly is back in the White House as President — without Pence too!
Now, here’s one last piece…
What if this was the plan all along?
As we’ve suspected all along and written about extensively here at WeLoveTrump, I believe a sting operation was launched on November 3, 2020 and I believe they captured all of the cheating live and in real time.
I believe they’ve had it for almost a year and a half.
But they can’t release it until the Red Wave of 2022 is done and the rest of the plan is ready to go.
Then you roll out what I described above and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.
Think the delay has been long?
It’s unfortunately been a critical part of the plan.
Here’s the last and best part: I believe if Trump takes office like this, the two years from 2022-2024 do not count against him, so he gets those two years and then wins in the biggest landslide ever in 2024 to serve a total of 10 years in office.
And you had better believe these next 6 years will be unlike anything you’ve ever seen or even heard about in your lifetime.
I believe he had to lay low in his first term.
I believe the first term was all about catching the election fraud in process so that the decades of election steals in America would finally come to an end.
Yes, he did some great things along the way but I believe the entire first term was mostly about getting into power so he could catch the election fraud in process.
You didn’t REALLY think he was caught off guard, did you?
You didn’t REALLY think he didn’t have a plan, did you?
Of course not.
They launched the most extensive and detailed sting operation we have ever seen and he watched it all live from his SCIF in the Eisenhower Building.
And they have it ALL recorded.
All of it.
The plan was more brilliant than any of us ever expected!
Since I expect that YouTube clip will soon get deleted, I found a backup here on Rumble:
So…after Vernon Jones’ tweet and after hearing all the details, what do you say?
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