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Washington State Moves to Criminalize Any Election Fraud Complaints or Questions


It’s official:

A bill has moved forward in Washington state that will make it illegal to complain or ask any questions related to election fraud.

What about freedom of speech, you may ask?

It doesn’t matter.

This bill will criminalize any complaints about election fraud.

I don’t know about you, but this doesn’t scream election integrity or transparency to me.

If anything, this is the opposite of integrity and transparency.

This will cause people to trust the government even less.

More details below:

Never mind the fact that liberals lied about Trump’s 2016 election.

They claimed that Trump only won because of Russia.

This caused crazy violence across the country, especially on inauguration day.

Were any of these people arrested?

Were any of these people called “terrorists?”

Were any bills introduced to make what they did illegal?

No, because these are leftists.

According to PJ Media, it may soon become illegal to question election results in Washington State:

Candidates and elected officials complaining about election fraud would be slapped with a gross misdemeanor charge, fine, and/or jail sentence under a plan by Washington’s far-Left governor Jay Inslee. The anti-free speech bill has now advanced from a Democrat-controlled committee with a “do-pass” recommendation to the state legislature.

And you thought it couldn’t get worse.

In 2020, Democrat governors and their underlings used COVID-19 as the excuse to change election laws, many times using emergency powers sans legislature, expand mail-in balloting, and remove what few security measures remained, such as signature matching. Recently, a state court ruled that Pennsylvania election changes by fiat were illegal under the state constitution. These aren’t lies. They happened. They may have changed the results of the election. The take over of local elections offices by Mark Zuckerberg’s “Zuck Bucks” also continues to fuel complaints. But Washington’s Gov. Inslee believes people seeking or holding elective office who complain about election chicanery should be punished for holding those wrong-thoughts. They should be silenced and maybe even jailed for up to a year.

In Inslee’s bill, loudly complaining about election fraud that accused complainers knew was bogus, as adjudged by a “jury” according to the governor, could lead to violence. The person who uttered the words should go to jail, he reasons. Inslee has never said these words in response to the Antifa and BLM riots during the election of 2016 and 2017 to depose the democratically elected Donald Trump.

Mere weeks ago the measure looked dead-in-the-water because of its sheer absurdity and obvious contravention of the First Amendment, which we note was written explicitly to protect political speech. But when a Washington Post article alerted the east coast Leftist political class that Inslee’s unconstitutional efforts were flailing, Harvard Law professor emeritus Laurence Tribe and George Washington University Law’s Catherine Ross got in touch to see if they could rehabilitate Senate Bill 5843 or at least give one of America’s least talented governors a little of their reflected glory and gravitas. Clearly, Governor Short Bus needed their help, they reasoned.

This is a threat to freedom of speech.

And it is also a threat to fair, free, and transparent elections.

We the people have every right to ensure that our electoral process is fair and that the rules of the land are followed!

Can you imagine the outrage if Republicans introduced bills make it illegal and criminal to say anything about Trump and Russia?

Of course, conservatives would never do that because we believe in free speech!

But the outcry from the left would have been nonstop.

However, they appear hellbent on silencing the rest of us.

Newsweek confirms this story:

Washington Governor Jay Inslee told lawmakers why they should pass the bill that would make it a misdemeanor for candidates or elected officials to knowingly lie about election results if those statements lead to violence or “lawless action”.

This comes after earlier this month Newsweek reported the state Senate approved a bill that would make it a felony punishable by up to five years in prison to harass election workers, citing the increase in threats and violence against election workers since the 2020 presidential election.

Inslee said the bill discussed in the Senate Government and Elections Committee on January 28, 2022, “confronts an unrelenting threat that is a clear and present danger in our society,” according to the Associated Press.

The bill would make it a gross misdemeanor for officials or candidates if they are convicted of “knowingly, recklessly, or maliciously making false statements regarding the election process or election results to produce lawless action, undermine election processes or results, or falsely claim entitlement to public office.”

A conviction would require any elected official to vacate their office, according to the bill. In addition, the AP reported that a conviction could lead to penalties up to one year in prison and a $5,000 fine.

Folks, our freedom of speech is at stake.

If this passes in Washington, it is only a matter of time before other states try to follow in its footsteps.

Please share this article so that people are prepared to fight back (peacefully, of course) against this crackdown targeting free speech!


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