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Shut Down the Super Bowl? Some Truckers Planning Convoy on Super Bowl Sunday to Command Media Attention


By now, you’ve probably heard about the historic truckers convoy in Ottowa.

50,000 trucks shut down the Canadian capital, forcing Justin Trudeau to flee.

It’s been 6 days since the truckers arrived.

Entire blocks and city streets are still shut down.

The trucks have been honking all night.

But here’s the issue, the media hasn’t been giving them any attention.

Despite this historic protest that has virtually shut down the entire Canadian capital, the media is ignoring this.


Because they don’t want the people realizing that they have the power to stop these Draconian mandates.

Well, American truckers don’t want the same issue to happen to them.

US Truckers announced a convoy to Washington DC.

It is rumored this convoy will begin in March.

But another convoy may happen first.

To command media attention, some truckers are attempting to organize a Super Bowl convoy.

That’s right: they want to block access to the Super Bowl, effectively “canceling” the game.

That would be a surefire way to get attention!

Check out some of the tweets below:

This idea is quickly picking up support from various people in the trucking industry.

The Liberty Daily has more details on the planned Super Bowl Convoy:

While the world watches the Canadian truckers’ protests in Ottawa to the dismay of corporate media, American truckers are planning a convoy of their own. But instead of heading to Washington DC where traffic is already horrendous on a good day, they’re heading to the most watched event of the year: The Super Bowl.

Their reasoning for heading west instead of east is more than just being on a bigger stage with brighter optics. They’re going because the NFL plans a “Covid Blitz” that will use the game and the days leading up to it as platforms for pushing the vaccines, constant testing, and ubiquitous slave masks. Here’s a post from their Telegram:

For all who say Super Bowl is a saint and it shouldn’t be boycotted, read this:

In addition to its safety protocols, the NFL will use the Super Bowl’s massive popularity to promote vaccinations and Covid testing. When the Los Angeles Convention Center hosts the five-day Super Bowl Experience, a kind of football theme park, every visitor will receive a free take-home Covid test kit and be urged to test before the game. Los Angeles County also plans to set up vaccination sites at the convention center, and anyone who gets a dose will be allowed into the fan event for free.

Plans for the Super Bowl are truly hideous. They’re going to use the jam-packed event as a way to gaslight skeptics and promote Pandemic Panic Theater. The Covid protocols at the Super Bowl include:

  • KN95 masks for all attendees that must be worn throughout the game
  • Proof of vaccination or negative Covid test
  • Propaganda for testing and jabbing before, during, and after the game
  • A five-day “Super Bowl Experience” with free take-home tests and vaccination sites

With the Super Bowl being a week from this Sunday, many are wondering whether it is truly possible to organize this convoy in time.

Based on the chatter on social media, this movement is gaining steam.

Despite the fact that Facebook appears to be banning pages for truckers planning convoys, people are taking to Gab, Telegram, and Gettr to organize a truly historic event!


This would be HUGE if the truckers shut down the Super Bowl.

A convoy to DC would obviously be historic.

But do you think the Swamp-creatures and politicians will actually pay attention?

Probably not.

But a convoy at the Super Bowl would have the whole world talking!


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