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Woke PBS Ends Arthur After 25 Years


It’s no secret that television and Hollywood are becoming increasingly woke.

There is nothing wrong with being accepting, civil, and loving towards people—we should all strive for this, but there is also a fine line between these things and the Marxist narratives pushed on televised media—particularly to children.

A fixation with gender and sex has trickled its way down to children’s programming, and this has left many parents feeling alienated and increasingly marginalized due to the content on these shows.

Children should be learning vocabulary words, moral lessons, and be exposed to the infinite number of activities and pursuits available in the 21st century.

They should not be propagandized or otherwise indoctrinated into lifestyle choices, political ideologies, and conversations surrounding sociopolitical issues—all of which they are too young to fully comprehend.

Children are not a battleground or a laboratory to test out our ideas, and just like we are stricken by disbelief at a Hamas militant using children as human shields, we should likewise denounce the use of our children as ideological guinea pigs.

PBS has decided to cancel Arthur after 25 years of syndication, yet the show today bears little to no resemblance to the episodes which aired when I was a child.

Today the program is simply another tool pushing Marxist ideology in subtle ways meant to subvert children.

None of these ‘woke‘ initiatives are about people; they are about consolidating the power of the corporate sector and the state—Mussolini’s classic definition of fascism.

This is done by confusing the identity of the individuals comprising the greater society—it’s a classic Marxist tactic with a plethora of literature on it; it’s extremely well documented.

Once the identity of the individual is sufficiently confused, Marxists can get the individuals to acquiesce to things they would have otherwise never acquiesced to.

Social credit systems, government mandated rationing of products and food, and even an end to Constitutionally protected free speech are just some of things I can think of.

Subversion always starts out seemingly unrelated to the final objectives, but as time goes on and the plot unfolds we can always see a clear delineation between the subversion and the end goal—hindsight is always 20/20.

If this were not the case then we wouldn’t see coordinated woke propaganda from the corporate sector, the state, and the state’s schools.

The contrived nature of their philosophy and ideology is perhaps one of the most glaringly obvious things I have ever seen in my life.

Here’s what fans of the show had to say about the PBS announcement:

Newsbusters had this to say:

As if confusing prepubescent kids about sexuality wasn’t enough “wokeness” for the show, it then premiered a short BLM-themed segment in the summer of 2020 which attempted to teach kids how to be “anti-racist” (i.e. Marxist).

Arthur and his friend Buster talked about a video they saw of a cop killing a black person. Buster asked, “But how could it happen here, in Elwood City, outside the Sugar Bowl?” Elwood City is populated by animals.


Breitbart provided more details:

PBS notes while the show is canceled, Arthur will maintain a presence elsewhere for years to come through other mediums.

A statement from PBS reads: “New content from Arthur will continue rolling out in 2022 and beyond, including a podcast, video shorts that tackle timely and compelling topics and digital games. The 25 seasons of Arthur (250+ episodes) will continue to be available on PBS Kids.”


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