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Quebec Expands COVID-19 Passports to Big Box Stores


Quebec continues its heavy-handed COVID-19 response comparable to places like Australia and Austria.

The province recently enacted a strict 10 p.m. curfew and introduced considerations for a tax against unvaccinated Quebecers.

Residents across the province already had to show proof of COVID-19 inoculation before entering bars, restaurants, gyms, entertainment venues, and liquor & cannabis stores.

On Sunday, the Quebec government announced additional locations where residents must provide proof of COVID-19 inoculation.

The requirement expanded to big box stores, such as Walmart and Costco. If unvaccinated individuals want to visit a pharmacy inside a retail store, they need employee supervision.

Residents described the lunacy of the latest COVID-19 measures enacted by the Quebec government.

Ministerial Order 2022-007 states:

“THAT, despite subparagraph 4.2 of the third paragraph, a person not adequately protected against COVID-19 who enters a pharmacy situated in a wholesale or retail trade outlet that has a sales area of 1,500 square metres or more to receive a pharmaceutical service be accompanied at all times while moving through the outlet by an employee of the outlet, of the pharmacy or of any other person mandated to that effect by the outlet or pharmacy, and not be able to purchase products other than those related to the pharmaceutical service being

THAT the measures set out in this Order take effect on 24 January 2022.

In addition to the latest Orwellian measures, the Quebec government announced a new campaign to target unvaccinated residents.

CTV News explained:

Quebec will launch pop-up clinics and a phone line to reach unvaccinated citizens in an effort to increase first vaccinations in regions where rates are lowest.

Junior health minister Lionel Carmant made the announcement on Monday.

“We want to go meet people in the field. We want to explain the pros of vaccination by using a positive approach,” said Carmant.

Carmant said a phone line will soon be up to answer concerns about the vaccine for those who are hesitant.

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Beginning Thursday, a pop-up clinic will open at the CLSC Sainte-Catherine in Montreal’s downtown core.

“Over the next few weeks other clinics will open up,” said Carmant.

In Quebec, about eight per cent of the population has not received a first dose of vaccine.

Carmant said it is not only anti-vaxxers that have not received a dose, and that marginalized and vulnerable populations in addition to those who are afraid of getting a dose are among the unvaccinated.

“Several actions have been undertaken over the past few months to reach these populations, but I believe that it’s necessary to do more,” he said.

The new plan will work in cooperation with McGill University’s Faculty of Medicine. Med students will help identify neighbourhoods in which to intervene.


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