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What Is “Pay For Slay”, And Why Has Biden Continued The Policy?


The Biden regime attempts to portray itself as an harbinger and stalwart defender of humanitarianism.

Their brand—which includes hot button issues sugarcoated with sloganeering such as ‘voting rights’,  ‘public health’, and ‘taxing the rich‘ are all aimed at portraying that image.

Those paying attention know that all these slogans and initiatives achieve the exact opposite of their purported aims..

On a foreign policy front the Biden regime continues the policy of the defense-industrial state to fund and encourage proxy conflicts in foreign countries.

“Pay for slay” is a program allegedly used to funnel money to Palestinians who have killed Israeli citizens; this would violate federal law known as the Taylor Force Act, enacted in 2018.

My point isn’t to take sides in the conflict, or push a certain narrative.

My point is that the government should not be funding or engaging in proxy conflicts anywhere on the globe, and this funding is made worse by the fact that at times the government funds both sides of a proxy war.

Through one way or another our government has funded both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Various grants, subsidies, sales or gifts of military equipment, legal endorsement, and condemnations have been issued to both sides by our own government.

At times these agreements were transparent, at other times they were clandestine.

Most American voters I am aware of do not approve of the endless proxy conflicts and international engagements our government encourages and or enters into.

We don’t approve of the endless spending, the wasted American lives, or the fact that meddling around in the affairs of other countries is what sparks conflict in the first place—it likely makes us less safe all things considered.

The Biden administration catastrophically botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan, but this failed military objective in a foreign country is not so unique to Biden’s blunder— every conflict after WWII has failed in its primary mission.

There is no reason for The United States to be in Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, or Afghanistan. The failed outcomes, the endless spending, and the misery of fighting these wars isn’t worth it.

Government intervention often ends in failure, and war is the epitome of that.

Here’s more on the story:

Law Enforcement Today writes:

In 2018, Congress adopted the Taylor Force Act, banning the Economic Support Fund help, which is the largest section of U.S. funding to the PA.

The law reportedly conditioned ESF help on the end of that.


Washington Examiner tells us:

Sen. Tom Cotton has introduced new legislation to stop foreign banks from processing so-called “martyr payments.”

The bill, the Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act, is a straightforward and smart rebuke to morally bankrupt leaders in anti-Israel countries such as Qatar that are processing handouts to Palestinians with blood on their hands.

It will empower the Treasury Department, among other things, to block any bank processing a “martyr payment” from having any connection or relationship to American banks.


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