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WATCH: Footage Released In Maricopa County Investigation


The Maricopa County audit revealed some very startling things, but we still have not seen justice.

Legacy media and left leaning outlets alike claim to peddle the naive fantasy that ‘no fraud’ occurred during the 2020 Presidential election.

Maricopa County’s supervisors and election board seem to be ignoring all the findings of both the forensic audit and a canvass conducted by citizens.

Both initiatives have found substantial cause for concern, but those concerns continue to be ignored by Democrats and those with power.

Here are the latest developments:

The Gateway Pundit had this to say:

Additionally, Maricopa County has still not given a credible rebuttal to the hundreds of thousands of “ghost votes” and “lost votes” that were discovered in the citizen-led canvass of Maricopa County homes.

Liz Harris led the charge in Maricopa County and discovered that potentially 173,104 votes were lost or not recorded. Another 96,389 mail-in votes were counted under the names of registered voters who were either unknown to the residents of the registration address or who moved before October 2020.


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The Hill had more on Cyber Ninjas—the firm chosen to conduct the Maricopa County audit:

Cyber Ninjas, a firm hired by the Arizona state Senate to conduct a review of Maricopa County’s election results, on Thursday announced that it is shutting down after a county government report slammed the firm and a judge ordered it to pay $50,000 a day in fines.


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