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Barry Wunsch URGENT Prophetic Word About Obama and Trump!


Yes, this is the second article in a row that I have brought you with a prophetic message marked “URGENT”.

Folks, if you are listening to the prophetic voices, we’re at a boil-over point.

The time is now.

Threats are imminent but so is opportunity and time to move.

Here is the first message in case you haven’t seen it:

Robin Bullock’s URGENT Warning For President Trump and His Safety!

And now here is the second one.

This is from Barry Wunsch who is an incredibly powerful and anointed prophet.

Barry echoes many of the same sentiments of Robin in terms of timing and urgency, and then he has one phrase that I literally got chills when it was read:

"I have Angelic hosts deployed on his behalf...

I have Generals at their posts.

There are more with you than against you.

America, you have never seen the likes of what is about to happen. are called and released to move NOW and move SWIFTLY...with confident I AM with you!"


Ok, there's a ton more in here, including confirmation of Obama pulling the strings behind the scenes and his incoming and swift removal.

You ready for that?

I am!

It will be unprecedented!

Watch here and share this message far and wide:


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