This is really weird, but we follow the truth wherever it leads us.
So today we’re investigating a very strange video I came across today.
It is from a lady who posted a video online claiming that when you buy Dasani water in a water bottle, it will not freeze.
She grabs a store-brand water bottle and a Dasani water bottle and she puts both in her fridge, both unopened.
The store brand freezes like a brick.
The Dasani?
Still liquid.
I’m no chemist, but I don’t think that’s normal!
Then I looked online and thousands of people have reported the same results.
Watch the video here on Rumble and then keep reading for more info:
Beezly tried to offer some explanation:
When we need to freeze water, we usually toss the bottle or two into the frosting camera, and after a while, a tank of cold or even icy liquid is ready to consume! However, some people started noticing that certain water brands will not freeze at all!
What could be the reason, and why does water not freeze properly even when being placed into the freezer where the temperature is right for turning the liquid into the ice? This is what we will try to investigate and explain today!
Why Does Bottled Water Not Freeze?
To answer this question, we need to remind you first that water freezing is possible only when the surrounding temperature is zero degrees Celsius (which is equal to 32 degrees Fahrenheit). Only under such conditions will the water in the bottle be able to freeze completely.
However, if the liquid is too purified, or if some chemicals were added to it, freezing may become complicated if not impossible at all! Now let’s explain that in detail to make it clearer.
There are several reasons why water may not turn into ice even if we place the bottle into the frosting camera with zero degrees Celsius inside.
If it is a supercooled water bottle
If the water is heavily filtered with almost all the impurities removed
If any chemicals were added that prevent water from proper freezing
In case of supercooled water, it means that the liquid already has a temperature that is below the normal freezing point. However, such water still remains in the liquid state because it lacks something that will kick-start the solidifying process. Without such a kick-starter, the molecules of water keep on moving around independently instead of getting together in a regular arrangement to form crystals.
What can serve as a kick-starter to make liquid water turn into ice?
Well, it can be anything from a piece of dust or a rough spot on the surface of a bottle to what we call a shock-wave. The shock-wave is generated when we, for instance, hit the water bottle right out of the frosting camera.
Another reason why water would not turn into ice even when being placed into a freezer is that it is heavily filtered. In this case, all the impurities are removed from the liquid.
Finally, water may not solidify at all because of certain chemicals that were added to the bottled water and prevent freezing, for instance, propylene glycol. However, this version is very unlikely since the water we drink is regularly checked and tested for any chemicals.
And from FreightRelocators, here is what one poster reported:
Dasani Bottled Water – POISONED???
That’s NOT a deceptive thread title.
Get out your tinfoil hat before reading any further.
Over the past few months I’ve made an observation multiple times.
I put Dasani water on the top shelf of the fridge where it’s the coldest. Stuff tends to freeze up there. Just two seconds ago I took my laser temp gun & observed that a jar of pickles on the top shelf is 27 degrees.
Dasani water never freezes up there.
I ran out of water so I refilled a bunch of them out of the water cooler which is filtered through some fancy whogivesa**** method at the local grocery store in town here.
I left ’em in there overnight and they’re all frozen solid blocks of ice.
So what the hell is in Dasani water that lowers it’s freeze point so much that it’s still 100% liquid at 27 degrees?
Another thing, .. why is it I can literally drink Dasani water all day long, like 12 bottles of that stuff, til the point I’m p***ing out clear every 20 minutes, yet I’m still thirsty & dry-mouthed?
It says on the label:
Ingredients: Water, magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, salt. *ǂ
*Adds a negligible amount of sodium
ǂMinerals added for tasteI figure it’s the salt lowering the freeze point and making me remain thirsty & dry-mouthed. But WTF is that other stuff in there, and WHY IS IT THERE?
Lethal injection – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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