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WATCH: Baby Doll Ad Allegedly From Spain Comes With Mask and Vaccination Card


The indoctrination of innocent children over the past two years is pure evil.

Last month, The White House released a disgusting propaganda piece where a pediatrician answers children’s questions about the COVID-19 injections.

There were no parents in this “educational” video that made children fear being around unvaccinated friends.

An ad allegedly from Spain shows the corporate side of this diabolical scheme to indoctrinate future generations of children.

The commercial depicts a baby doll that includes a thermometer, mask, and vaccination syringe.

The toy also has a vaccination card to normalize mandated injections for toddlers and young children.

Watch below:

Twitter users displayed a furious reaction to the despicable predictive programming:

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Children are the primary target of this psychological operation and immoral inoculation campaign.

The abuse of our most innocent members of society is the greatest tragedy of COVID-19.

Unless older generations, parents and non-parents, band together, future generations will inherit a desolate world.

I believe we will stop these monsters, but we need more courageous individuals to fight for defenseless children.


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