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Trump Motorcade In Houston Draws Questions: POTUS?


President Trump and Bill O’Reilly hit up Houston, TX tonight for their joint tour across America.

The MSM was up to their old tricks, spinning lies about a “small crowd”.

It’s the oldest trick in the book, take photos of the stadium hours before the event as people are just arriving and claim it was “empty”.

So lame.

Here’s what they try to say:

And HERE is the reality:


And here’s an even better photo:

Or how about a video?

Here was President Trump’s official statement:


Even more:


Ok, but what I really want to talk about is Trump’s motorcade.

It’s getting all kinds of attention for….well…..looking like the motorcade of a PRESIDENT, not a former President.

Take a look:

Backup here:

What are your thoughts?

Have you ever seen a “former” President travel like this?

Not sure I have….


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