Those who have truly taken the time to study American elections know they have never been ‘safe and secure‘.
The Teamster-like tactics which seem to be endemic to democratic systems continue to be seen at all trophic levels of government: federal, state, and local….
Today’s lack of transparency comes from Washington D.C.’s own Board of Elections which sources say is now being sued for failure to provide election data….
Their excuse?
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The D.C. Board of Elections is claiming that due to a contract it has with a left-wing activist group it cannot release the voter information….
I don’t know about you, but those circumstances are suspicious to say the least.
All of these groups whether they be conservative or liberal are aimed at skewing the vote and electioneering. There is no such thing as an “election watchdog group” or “election activist group”.
These groups exist for the sole purpose of manipulating elections on every level. They exist purely as a front to get a certain side more votes—they are hired guns.
This type of behavior has been going on for a long time, and even Democrats have confronted the lack of transparency and obvious corruption pertaining to D.C.’s Board of Elections.
Just take a look at this report from 2014:
The Epoch Times tells us:
The D.C. Board of Elections claims it can’t provide the voter list maintenance documents because of its contract with the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a nonprofit that describes its mission as “assisting states to improve the accuracy of America’s voter rolls and increase access to voter registration for all eligible citizens.”
ERIC was created in 2012 with assistance from The Pew Charitable Trusts, a left-wing philanthropy.
According to the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), which brought this lawsuit, ERIC has a history of inaccuracy in removing deceased and other ineligible registrants from voter rolls.
— PublicInterestLegal (@PILFoundation) December 9, 2021
DC Board of Elections Sued for Keeping Voter Data Secret https:// Just more proof of voter Fraud. When will the DOJ and AG do something about it? We the people demand they start investigating the real criminals in the USA and that is the Socialists. Time for Justice for ALL.
— Ronald Hartley (@RonaldHartley14) December 9, 2021
Conservative Brief adds:
“ERIC is being used to hide decisions about who gets to vote and who is removed from the rolls,” said PILF President J. Christian Adams, a former U.S. Justice Department civil rights attorney.
“Transparency in elections leads to trust in results and accountability for election officials. ERIC and its agreement with the District of Columbia are standing in the way of transparency and violating federal law,” he added.
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