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Jussie Smollett Found Guilty of Orchestrating and Reporting Racist, Anti-Gay Hate Crime in Chicago


In 2019, “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett reported he was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack in downtown Chicago.

This week, Smollett took the stand, giving his testimony.

During his testimony, Smollett tried to further the race narrative when he accused the prosecutor of being racist.

Earlier this week, Smollett asked the prosecutor to spell the n-word while reading HIS OWN text messages.

Throughout the trial, we all knew Smollett faked a hate crime, causing the police department to focus on him instead of the violent city. 

Smollett was responsible for diverting resources, time, and money from the City of Chicago.

Tonight, justice made its way into Cook County today when the jury convicted the actor on five out of six felony counts of disorderly conduct for lying to police about the attack.

Smollett was convicted for lying to police on January 29, 2019. 

Prosecutors said the hoax was carried out by two brothers Smollett hired to attack him.

The sixth count, in which Smollett was acquitted, alleged he lied to Chicago Police Det. Robert Graves.

One of the brothers, Abimbola Osumdairo, addressed reporters after the verdict, saying, “Nigerian-American lives matter.”

After over nine hours of deliberation, Judge James Linn’s courtroom read the verdict.

Smollett was not ordered into custody, but his next court date is January 27.

Did Smollett orchestrate the attack to boost his show?

Or was there another influencer at play behind the scenes?

One surprising finding from Smollett’s testimony was a text he received from CNN’s Don Lemon.

Lemon tried to let him know that the Chicago Police Department didn’t believe Smollett.

Where are the charges against the mainstream media for spreading misinformation?

The charge Smollett received is a class 4 felony.

This carries a prison sentence of up to three years.

Fox News reports Smollet will likely be placed on probation and ordered to perform community service.

Will Smollett see any consequences, or will the Democrat District Attorney Kim Foxx be responsible for letting Smollett off the hook again?

Fox News has more:

Among the surprising claims made in Smollett’s testimony was the revelation that the actor received a text from CNN’s Don Lemon, supposedly relaying information that the Chicago Police Department didn’t believe Smollett’s account of what happened.


Additionally, he pushed back against testimonies from Bola Osundairo, one of the alleged attackers, claiming that he’d purchased drugs from the man and “made out” with him at a gay bathhouse.


Osundairo testified that he is not gay and their relationship was not sexual in nature. He also previously stated that he did not sell drugs to Smollett but merely acquired them for him.

The charge is a class 4 felony that carries a prison sentence of up to three years, but experts have said if convicted, Smollett would likely be placed on probation and ordered to perform community service.

Soros-backed District Attorney Kim Foxx is responsible for initially dismissing the case against the actor.

A special prosecutor later took over the case, who filed new charges.

Foxx has been lax on crime since coming into her position in 2016.

Since her time as Cook County District Attorney, Foxx has even drawn criticism from the far-left mayor Lori Lightfoot.

Billionaire Democrat donor George Soros spent a reported $408,000 on a super PAC affiliated with Kim Foxx.

According to The Western Journal, Foxx also has ties to Tina Tchen, former chief of staff to Michelle Obama.

Additionally, a text message between Foxx and Smollett’s relative shows that the DA was trying to rig the case for a “huge victory.”

The Western Journal has more:

In 2016, Soros contributed a total of $408,000 toward Illinois Safety & Justice, according to state campaign finance records.

And Illinois Safety & Justice is a super PAC that’s affiliated with Friends for Foxx, the prosecutor’s candidate committee.

It’s not uncommon for Soros to spend ludicrous amounts of money on local elections for far-left candidates.

Last year, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that Soros similarly spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on district attorney races throughout Northern California.

Soros is also known to fund left-wing activists and their organizations.

But in this case, Soros isn’t the only member of the sketchy liberal elite that Foxx has connections to.

During the police investigation of Smollett’s “attack” last month, Foxx was in correspondence with Tina Tchen, former chief of staff to first lady Michelle Obama.

Tchen, who knows the Smollett family, put Foxx in contact with one of Smollett’s relatives. Released text messages between Foxx and the Smollett relative suggest that Foxx tried to rig Smollett’s case to hand him a “huge victory.”

Back on Feb. 1, while Smollett was still officially considered a victim of the attack prosecutors now say he staged, Foxx notified the unidentified relative that she had spoken with Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson about the possibility that the FBI could take over the investigation.


“Spoke to the superintendent earlier, he made the ask,” Foxx texted the relative. “Trying to figure out logistics. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Omg this would be a huge victory,” the Smollett relative replied.

Let’s never forget Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have also shown support to Jussie Smollett after the hoax in Chicago.

Now that the courts have proven Smollett faked the hate crime, will Harris and Biden be held accountable as well?



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