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Dr. Zelenko Exposes How His Early COVID Treatments Were Sabotaged


All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing.

We have to rise up, speak up and stand up in every walk of life against the COVID-tyranny that threatens to destroy our lives and our country.

Lawyers, doctors, nurses, teachers, school board members, parents, grandparents, judges, scientists and on and on and on…..

We ALL need to do our part.

And that’s why I love Dr. Zelenko so much.

He refuses to be silent.

He refuses to be silenced.

He is speaking out loud as can be about the evils that were done early on in the COVID treatments, which in his own words, lead to “killing masses”.

Thank you doctor for all you do!

Watch his most recent video here (and then scroll down to get a link for his Z-Stack Treatment which is FINALLY being made available to the public).

Watch here:

Backup here on Rumble:

Now let’s move on to the most frequently asked question I always get whenever we cover Dr. Zelenko:  “HOW CAN I GET HIS ZELENKO PROTOCOL?”

Until now, I had to respond by saying they are not available to the public to the best of my knowledge.

But now I am so excited to finally announce he has made his new “Z-Stack” available to the public and while they remain in stock you can grab some!

I’ll have that link for you below but first let me give you a little background on Dr. Zelenko in case you don’t know much about him.

He was famous for treating patients (very successfully) with Zinc and Hydroxychloroquine for starters.

Then he made even bigger headlines by saying Dr. Fauci should face military tribunals for TREASON.

Starting to like him?

Me too.

But he was just getting warmed up:

Then watch this short clip:

Then this one:

And then the full interview on Rumble right here:

He has also been covered by America’s Frontline Doctors…..

Which is where the “Zelenko Protocol” originally started.

Here a better diagram:

If that looks a little hard to follow, don’t worry!

That’s why I am so excited to bring you the Z-Stack, formulated by Dr. Zelenko himself, Kosher certified, GMP certified and 100% Made in the USA

While Dr. Zelenko is a doctor, I am not and I always like to give this disclaimer:

THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. Every situation is unique and every person must check with his or her own physician, especially if you are taking any other medication.

Good advice.  For everyone.

Now for what everyone has been waiting for….how do you get the Z-Stack?

Start here and was as Dr. Zelenko explains how he created the immune system formula he calls Z-Stack (transcript below too) from Rumble:

Dr. Zelenko:

“Z-Stack was a gift from God. And the way it evolved was, in April of 2020, I was using hydroxychloroquine and zinc and azithromycin to keep my patients alive. The ghoul — and I call him a ghoul: Cuomo — who is responsible for the death of almost 20,000 nursing home residents — issued an executive order blocking pharmacies from dispensing hydroxychloroquine to patients. Now, that was a direct attack on my patients and my practice. The reason why I say that is that I was the only one in the state at that time using that drug in that context…so I was forced to innovate.

And I found on the NIH server data and peer-reviewed papers that showed a substance called quercetin together with Vitamin C functions as an effective zinc delivery system…the truth is I never heard of quercetin, so I looked it up. And I saw that’s a derivative of apple peels and it’s available over the counter.

It was one of those “A-ha!” moments where I realized I discovered the cure for tyranny. Because now I could say to my patient: ‘Go to the vitamin shop and get quercetin, get Vitamin C, get Zinc, get D and take it in the right way, and you’ll survive – you will do better.’…

…But what happened was most people could not put the puzzle pieces together for several reasons. One, the different compounds or aspects to this approach were not all available in the same place. Number two, there are so many variants of zinc and Vitamin C and different dosing of D and different variants of D and different forms of quercetin and people could not effectively and in the right timeframe put the puzzle together that it would help them clinically.

So I was approached several times that I should make it easier for people by putting everything in one bottle. In the right dosing. So that’s exactly what I did. And it was consistent with my protocol – the one I had designed and felt that the dosing was appropriate…the price is comparable if you were to buy each ingredient separately. And people loved it because of the convenient, the access. And I think they felt better because it had my name on it…

…It’s become a real successful approach in mitigating the severity of illness – viral illness.”

For We Love Trump readers, Dr. Zelenko created a special page: (by ordering through this link, you’ll be supporting and benefiting We Love Trump and Dr. Zelenko and most of all YOURSELF and YOUR FAMILY!)

It is Kosher-certified, GMP-certified, and proudly made in the USA. 

It’s easy to order, just use the link above, then click “Add to Cart” then click “Checkout” and then I have a bonus for you….

When you get to the checkout page, plug in WLT2022 to the Discount Code box and I’m going to save you some money off your order:

Who loves ya, baby?  (NOAH!)

To order Z-Stack directly from Dr. Zelenko’s store, click here.

And here are some great Frequently Asked Questions I think you might find helpful:

Order today for immune system support – use code “WLT2022” at checkout for a huge discount!


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