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Why Does Senator Rand Paul Want a “New” COVID-19 Vaccine?


In a FOX News interview, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul made a baffling statement.

His solution to the failed experimental COVID-19 injections was to make a “new” vaccine.

Watch the clip below, and I’ll explain my reaction:

While Paul correctly points out the virus is escaping the leaky vaccines, his fix for the problem is to introduce another ineffective injection.

Hasn’t anyone in Washington D.C. learned anything from what’s transpired in 2021?

Paul stated that the COVID-19 jabs brought the daily case rate down to under 10,000 cases per day in April & May 2021.

Let’s see if that claim holds up on the United States Worldometer chart.

First, let’s look at April:

April 1st – 77,501 cases

April 30th – 59,214 cases

Highest April Date – April 9th (85,093 cases)

Lowest April Date – April 25th (42,197 cases)

In April, the United States was nowhere near that 10,000 daily case rate.

Here’s a glimpse at May:

May 1st – 50,759 cases (highest May date)

May 31st – 9,041 cases (lowest May date)

The United States dipped beneath 10,000 cases per day one day during those two months, the very last day of May.

But look at the timing when daily cases of this respiratory virus hit their lowest.

We were trending towards summer and seasonality likely played a huge factor in most parts of the country.

It puzzles me why Paul wouldn’t consider that as a factor.

Even Governor Gavin Newsom had to admit the impact of seasonality:

Another simple fact that challenges any notion of developing a “new” vaccine is the United States had more COVID-19 deaths during 2021 compared to 2020.

Let’s not forget about the dramatic increase in all-cause excess deaths that many ‘experts’ refuse to investigate.

And as Alex Berenson referenced, the UK data clearly shows vaccinated individuals have higher death rates than unvaccinated individuals.

*Source – Unreported Truths*

It’s clear the leaky COVID-19 injections have made the ‘pandemic’ worse, yet Senator Paul’s solution is another experimental injection.

Another question I have for Paul is what “new” vaccine are you referencing that’s sitting there.

Are these the reformulated shots Moderna & Pfizer said they’d have ready in months to combat the omicron (moronic) variant?

“New” vaccines for a variant that’s spreading mild and symptomless cases around the world?

Isn’t the definition of insanity repeating the same thing and expecting different results?

I like Senator Paul, but he needs to walk back his statements from this interview.

A “new” vaccine is only going to accomplish three things:

  1. Incentivize tyrannical Democrats to issue more mandates based on booster status
  2. Enrich Big Pharma even more beyond their wildest dreams
  3. Continue to drive vaccine-resistant mutations

In previous statements, Senator Paul has spoke brilliantly about naturally-acquired immunity.

Why not use the air time to advocate greater access to treatments like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Fluvoxamine?

On a final note, I’d ask Senator Paul if he has viewed the warnings from Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche about the dangers of this continued mass vaccination effort.

Just a brief glimpse at the VAERS report shows us that the experimental COVID-19 injections are not safe or effective.

It’s way past time for Republicans to stop pushing the false narrative that the COVID-19 injections saved lives.

As we witnessed at an Alabama Trump rally earlier this year, attendees didn’t appreciate President Trump recommending the COVID-19 injections.

Instead of making absurd claims that the COVID-19 injections saved 100 million lives and prevented another Spanish Flu, we need 100% of that energy to throttle Biden on mandates, masks, and lockdowns.

President Trump rightfully blasted COVID-19 boosters as a Big Pharma cash cow.

We need more of THAT President Trump:

The entire operation has earned Big Pharma record profits, so they’re salivating at the chance to boost the population.

What doesn’t earn Big Pharma massive stacks of cash?

Hydroxychloroquine and other censored, low-cost treatments.

Democrats and mainstream media launched a wicked smear campaign against the patent-free therapeutic at the thought of President Trump touting an effective treatment.

Going back to Senator Paul, what evidence makes you think a “new” vaccine will work any better than the first one?


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