Here’s a question I have for all the people who rolled up their sleeves solely to travel restriction-free.
How does it feel to be back in the same boat with the unvaccinated?
The latest reports indicate that the Biden Administration will impose omicron-related restrictions for travelers into the United States.
And as expected, the proposed travel restrictions are utterly ridiculous and won’t do anything to stop the spread of a virus.
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The Biden administration plans to tighten travel restrictions for inbound travelers to the U.S. amid Omicron concerns. @anjkhem explains the latest news on the new variant, vaccine mandates, and Merck's COVID pill:
— Yahoo Finance (@YahooFinance) December 1, 2021
Whether Americans are vaccinated or unvaccinated, entering your home country will be easier for illegal immigrants crossing the southern border.
I’ve personally dealt with past restrictions to enter the country and saying it’s a hassle is an understatement.
Once again, Biden puts big government control over logic and personal freedom. Will illegal immigrants crossing into the US be subjected to these travel restrictions? Or will they get to enjoy special privileges while Americans are forced into their homes?
— Bill McSwain (@McSwainPA) December 1, 2021
Biden is planning to subject U.S. citizens to strict new quarantine/testing rules to enter our own country…while he permits thousands of illegal immigrants to cross the border each month?
Travel restrictions are a JOKE until the border is secure!
— Esther Joy King (@esther4congress) December 1, 2021
The Washington Post described what restrictions are on the table:
As part of an enhanced winter covid strategy Biden is expected to announce Thursday, U.S. officials would require everyone entering the country to be tested one day before boarding flights, regardless of their vaccination status or country of departure. Administration officials are also considering a requirement that all travelers get retested within three to five days of arrival.
In addition, they are debating a controversial proposal to require all travelers, including U.S. citizens, to self-quarantine for seven days, even if their test results are negative. Those who flout the requirements might be subject to fines and penalties, the first time such penalties would be linked to testing and quarantine measures for travelers in the United States.
Vaccinated individuals must show a negative PCR test and may have to quarantine regardless of the results.
Identical requirements apply to vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers for freedom of movement into their own country.
Are the obedient ready to admit that compliance doesn’t end tyranny?
They’ve gone full 360 on the never-ending wheel of COVID hysteria and returned to the starting spot.
Regarding enforcement of these idiotic measures, The Post explained:
The Justice Department also needs to weigh in on whether officials can ask people to self-quarantine, whether fines and penalties are enforceable, and if so, what those amounts should be, the officials said.
As a practical matter, state and local health departments are unlikely to be able to enforce requirements for additional testing and any self-quarantines once travelers arrive in the United States. More than 200,000 people arrived by plane daily in November, a figure that does not include travel over the Thanksgiving holiday, federal authorities said.
Even if only a quarter of those travelers comply with the requirements, however, it would make a difference by allowing for more prompt detection and isolation of at least some infected people who might be able to spread the virus, said public health experts.
Unsurprisingly, the CDC used this opportunity to urge the public to line up for booster shots.
Zero Hedge pondered this interesting question:
She also warned that the CDC is “strengthening” its recommendation that all adults over 18 get their booster shots.
“Everyone ages 18 and older should get a booster shot either when they are 6 months after their initial Pfizer or Moderna series or 2 months after their initial J&J vaccine,” she said.
Assuming the US does impose new travel restrictions, how much longer until Americans who don’t have their boosters are treated as de facto unvaccinated? While those who haven’t had any of their shots are treated like lepers.
In my estimate, it’s only a matter of time before the double vaccinated fall into the same category as unvaccinated.
However, vaccination status won’t exempt you from tyrannical travel restrictions while the border remains essentially restriction-free.
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