Does anyone recall the movie Minority Report, where special police units arrest people before committing a crime?
That’s the reality citizens of the Netherlands face with their government’s latest lockdown.
In fear of a repeat of last week’s chaotic Rotterdam protests, the Netherlands government has issued a strict lockdown from 5 p.m. Sunday.
Protests turned violent in the Netherlands as crowds in Rotterdam marched against government plans to make a 'coronavirus pass' mandatory for some indoor venues
— Reuters (@Reuters) November 20, 2021
The country will grind to a halt in the government’s efforts to thwart potential riots.
The Netherlands government took an unprecedented step to deter further chaos that spits in the face of human rights.
Authorities made several arrests as a “precaution” to avoid protests.
So, citizens can get arrested now because they might get out of hand at a protest?
That sinister action by the Netherlands government would baffle George Orwell.
Die Niederlande verhängen einen strickten Lockdown ab 17 Uhr. Weil die Regierung Proteste fürchtet, „wurden mehrere Personen vorsorglich festgenommen‘.
Der Staat kümmert sich, Vorsorge wird neu definiert in Corona-Zeiten. Oder ist das gar nicht neu? Gab es das etwa schon einmal?— Boris Reitschuster (@reitschuster) November 26, 2021
The Netherlands impose a strict lockdown from 5 p.m.
The Netherlands will close on Sunday. PM Rutte announced that "in principle everything" would then be closed. At the same time, the government fears new riots – several people were arrested as a precaution.Der Spiegel
— News & Lulz (@gitgit_tsaprr) November 26, 2021
The harsh evening lockdowns start at 5 p.m. on Sunday, and the entire European nation will effectively close at that time every night.
Supermarkets are the lone exception to this authoritative rule.
As reported by Spiegel:
The Netherlands want to react to the rapidly increasing numbers of infections and patients in the country with a hard cut. An evening lockdown will apply nationwide from Sunday: Shops, cultural venues, restaurants and sports clubs will then have to close at 5 p.m. every day.
Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced that the tightened measures will initially apply for three weeks . “In the Netherlands, everything is then basically closed from 5 p.m.” Supermarkets are excluded.
Schools should remain open for the time being. However, students aged ten and over must wear a face mask when they are not in their place. The 1.5 meter distance rule is being extended to cinemas, theaters and restaurants. This means that they can receive fewer visitors. The mask requirement will apply there again. There must be a turning point, said Rutte.
Throughout the country, emergency services had prepared for possible unrest due to the tightened measures. Some people had already been arrested on Friday as a precaution for calling for riots on social networks. Last weekend there had been violent riots all night long. The police are again expecting protests over the weekend.
As of November 18th, 80.3% of Netherlands adults were fully inoculated against COVID-19.
Despite the high COVID-19 inoculation rate, that hasn’t slowed the most severe outbreak the nation has seen yet during the “pandemic.”
On November 24th, the Netherlands reported a record-high 23,709 daily cases.
For reference, the highest number of daily cases in the Netherlands during 2020 was 13,032 (12/30).
Does that mean the experimental injections have worked to stop the spread of the virus?
The answer is clearly, no.
Similar to other European nations, the Netherlands will once again enter crushing lockdowns.
How will their citizens respond to these sweeping restrictions and “precautionary” arrests?
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