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Crypto About To Become A Partisan Issue?


Everything that politics touches, it destroys.

It’s no secret that cryptocurrencies are quickly becoming a political issue, and the evidence is all around us. Just recently Hillary Clinton has come out to claim that crypto can destroy whole nations.

On the other side of that debate is Rand Paul saying that they are potentially the future of money, and the global reserve currency.

I am not here to argue who is correct, but simply here to point out who is saying what.

I also want to take the time to point out that these establishment types seem to really hate cryptocurrencies and digital assets, so take that as you will.

Whatever seems to be good for us seems to be a problem for the establishment and people like Hillary Clinton, Gary Gensler, and Biden.

There is some hope though, as there was recently a bipartisan bill introduced by Rep. Patrick McHenry to fix everything wrong with the crypto provisions in the recent infrastructure bill.

Only time will tell whether this becomes a Democrat vs Republican issue, but until that time, take a look through these latest reports concerning cryptocurrencies and the tenuous political situation:

Coin Telegraph asks:

Former President Bill Clinton spoke at Ripple’s Swell conference in 2018, saying that the “permutations and possibilities” of blockchain were “staggeringly great,” but he had been out of office for roughly 17 years when he made those statements.

When a more current Democratic figure like Hillary Clinton speaks out against crypto, could it affect how the issue is handled by lawmakers in office now?

CNBC gave us some hope that perhaps this will not turn into a partisan nightmare:

The same groups cheered the new bipartisan bill in statements on Thursday accompanying the bill’s release.

“We applaud Congressman McHenry’s bipartisan efforts to clarify the overly-broad and unclear language targeting crypto in the infrastructure bill,” Blockchain Association CEO Kristin Smith said in a statement.

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