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WATCH: Why We Need To Talk About Thomas Binger


Kyle Rittenhouse was just fully acquitted of all charges.

This is no doubt a historic day, and a joyous day for many, but as I have mentioned in one of my other pieces, there are a lot of people in this country who aren’t happy—namely leftists.

These left-wing psychiatric patients are actually out there in the cold, taking time out from their day (because they have no jobs, they’re leftists) talking to the media about the ‘tragic’ loss of life.

They’re out there preening about the deaths of a convicted child molester and a wife beater. This is actually going on right now, I am not exaggerating, but I am not here to talk about the crowds…

I am here to talk about the walking embodiment of everyone in that crowd, the dumb, the lazy, the brainwashed, the self aggrandized—I am here to talk about Thomas Binger.

Binger, who tried so desperately to prosecute Kyle Rittenhouse for the crime of defending his life and community from arsonists, thieves, child molesters, domestic abusers, thugs, and career criminals.

Binger, who stood up there and defied the court and Constitution over and over again so he could prosecute a teenage boy, and destroy his life in an obviously political case.

Binger, who chose to ignore the clear evidence when faced with it.

Binger, who dressed better than anyone in that court room so he could virtue signal in style to the cameras in an effort to bolster his political career and ambitions.

Binger, who stood up there preening the entire time about the ‘terrible’ loss of a convicted pedophile, and a man who seems to have a problem with domestic abuse.

Binger, who tried to destroy the life of a young man, and lecture the nation on gun safety while aiming a gun at the court-room, and failing to maintain trigger discipline.

Thomas Binger is the epitome, the walking embodiment of everything wrong with this nation right now. If we are to go on being a first world nation of laws and prosperity then we need to weed out the Thomas Bingers in this country.

Here are some of his best moments from the trial:

NBC Chicago had a statement from Binger on his post trial silence following the full acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse:

“In considering your requests, I have reviewed Wisconsin Supreme Court rules 20:3.6 and 20:3.8, which set forth the ethical responsibilities of attorneys and, in particular, prosecutors with regard to trial publicity.

“In light of these ethical guidelines, I have concluded that it would not be appropriate for our office to comply with your requests,” he added.

National Review had more on Binger’s lack of trigger discipline and gun safety:

It was always drilled into young prosecutors by veterans (I was trained by Louie Freeh, a former FBI agent and later FBI director) that we should very obviously demonstrate that the gun was unloaded and/or otherwise disabled before we could handle it.

There is almost never a time when it is necessary or helpful to have a witness, much less the prosecutor, handle a gun for demonstrative purposes — a demonstration can always be done without the actual gun.


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