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Will We Witness a Revolution in Austria This Weekend? Police & Military to Join Protestors in Vienna


Austria made headlines by becoming the first country to issue a nationwide lockdown on unvaccinated citizens.

The authoritarian measure will banish nearly 40% of Austrians from society.

On Monday, the world witnessed Nazi Gestapo patrolling the streets asking for vaccination papers.

Warnings from conspiracy theorists became reality.

But is something in the making to respond to the fascist regime?

Rumors circulating around the country indicate the Austrian government is in panic.


It’s apparent that the military and police don’t want to enforce the inhumane rules against their fellow citizens.

Austrian Armed Forces Union (FGÖ) President Manfred Haidinger published a letter stating he intends to defend “fundamental rights and freedoms.”

The FGÖ stated everyone is authorized to demonstrate against the lockdown measures.

On Saturday, the Armed Forces Union intends to participate in the Worldwide Freedom Rally in Vienna.

In addition to the FGÖ, the police union already rejected the authoritarian decree by the Minister of the Interior.

Herbert Kickl, leader of the Freedom Party (FPÖ), called for a massive demonstration against the health dictatorship.

WB Wochenblick reported:

Herbert Kickl explains: “For freedom, human dignity and against the division of society through an irresponsible corona policy of the government, which makes the population the scapegoat for their failure. Everyone is invited to be there, because everyone is directly or indirectly affected by the madness . In the face of this huge challenge we all face, worldview must no longer play a role. With this demo, we want to be a platform for everyone who no longer wants to sit and watch. “

“Without you, the enemies of freedom and democracy would have closed the sack long ago!” Explains a Kickl fan gratefully.The last major demo with Kickl was already a huge success. But this time not only the unvaccinated will stand up against the corona terror. Even the vaccinated is enough. “I am vaccinated and do not take part any more”, describe these days many on the Internet. They have realized that they are neither immune nor regain their freedom. In Vienna they should now also have to undergo PCR tests in the sense of “2G +”. At the same time, unvaccinated people fear losing their jobs and are exposed to intense pressure. And the government continues to fuel the terror. A woman asks: “Why can’t these criminals be stopped?” And asks Herbert Kickl to explain. At other times, a government like this is long gone. And also the child vaccinations (at least 6 children have been proven to have died from the consequences of the vaccination) are motivating more and more resistance. From Monday, even children from 5 years of age can be treated with the experimental vaccines! A scary situation.

infodujour discussed the panicked Austrian regime:

This is a resounding slap in the face for the government which, according to Austrian media, is showing more and more panic. The chairman of the Social Democratic Trade Unions (FSG) and the Police Union, Hermann Greylinger, left no doubt in an interview that the police feel unable to carry out these checks according to the weekly Wochenblick. Manfred Haidinger (FGÖ) adds in his letter: “We hereby point out that participation in assemblies is a particularly protected legal right and that it is also taken into account in the draft ordinance currently available. Participation and travel throughout Austria is permitted. » Although unvaccinated people are advised to travel by private transport.

The letter finally recalls that “the ban on a meeting planned by citizens as well as the ban on a gathering of political parties have been recognized as illegal” by the Vienna Administrative Court.

Are we about to witness something historic take place in Vienna on November 20th?

The police and military have publicly stated NO to enforcing their health dictatorship.

To my knowledge, this is the first instance of a country’s military and police openly defying the government’s COVID-19 orders.

What will transpire during the demonstration?

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Could this be a sneak peek of what’s to come in Austria?

All eyes are on Vienna, Austria Saturday for what may be Europe’s epicenter for a Revolution against the Covidian Cult.



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