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SLAP IN THE FACE: City Of Austin, TX Cancels Tomorrow’s Veterans Day Parade With More Unnecessary Fearmongering Over COVID


About 30,000 people were planning on attending a Veterans Day parade in the city of Austin, TX tomorrow.

Citing Coronavirus restrictions, the City of Austin has now cancelled the event. Some, including Texas Governor Greg Abbott are calling the decision a “slap in the face” and I completely agree.

Parades are outdoor events. We know that the chances of contracting COVID outdoors in sunlight are laughably slim. But of course actual facts don’t seem to matter to the virtue signaling COVID police.

In response to the cancellation, Governor Greg Abbott invited the veterans and attendees to gather at the State Capitol.

Per Fox News, his invite was respectfully declined by the organizers:

“This is something that we could not do as we anticipated some 30,000 attendees to the parade,” the parade organizers said in a statement.  “We are hopeful that in 2022, the restrictions on public gatherings will be back to normal. In lue (sic) of the parade, we are working with the City of Austin and the Austin Veterans Commission to dedicate the Veterans Park on Nov. 11th.”

Unfortunately, in recent years Austin has become a liberal safe haven within the state of Texas; thanks in part to the location of the University of Texas and it’s left-leaning campus environment.

So it does not surprise me the city would pull a stunt like this on the eve of a parade celebrating the men and women who put their lives on the line for this country.

Organizers have shifted gears and will be redirecting their gathering to a local park in the city:

“The Veterans Park will be the only event that the Austin Veterans Parade Foundation will be involved in this year,” the organization said. “It is our hope that we can have our Veterans Day parade and celebration next year and that everyone will stay safe on this Veterans Day!”

Census Bureau data from 2020 shows that roughly 1.4 million military veterans live in the state of Texas which represents 6.8% of the state’s overall population.

Many in the area also share the same sentiment that the city’s decision was inappropriate given the sanctity of what our Veterans mean to this country.

“It’s a slap in the face to those who served. It’s for an open air parade,” Luis Rodriguez, head of the Wind Therapy Motorcycle Freedom Riders, a military support group, told Axios. “They allowed Formula 1 to go ahead, and that had five times the number of people as the Super Bowl. They did nothing to shut that down. They’re playing politics with the honor of veterans and those who have served this country.”

Examining the city’s response to Fox News’ request for comment seems to indicate they set unrealistic expectations that would have been extremely difficult to meet.

The city’s requirements went above and beyond, asking for all attendees to show proof of a negative COVID test prior to entry, disclosing a formal strategy to maintain six feet of “social distancing”, and “mask zones” where the distancing isn’t possible.

Here’s the official statement cited in the Fox News article:

Every year, Austin Center for Events (ACE) works with the Austin Veterans Parade Foundation, the event organizers of the Veterans Parade, as they plan for this important event to honor the American heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice for our great country.  

 Over the summer, we proactively reached out to the event organizer to work through the event permitting process and help them understand health mitigation requirements for special events. The organizers did not submit a COVID-19 Health & Safety form to Austin Public Health for review. On September 28th, the organizers notified ACE that they decided to cancel the event citing the health requirements for an event with 30,000 attendees. At this time, Austin was in Stage 4 of the Risk Based Guidelines and the region had 25 ICU beds left to serve millions of Central Texans. The City is now working with the Parade Foundation on a ribbon cutting dedication ceremony for the Veteran’s Pocket Park.

 ACE, which includes Austin Public Health (APH), reviews COVID-19 safety for special events. During the COVID-19 pandemic, ACE and APH have met regularly, at least every 30 days, to review safety requirements. Over the last 18 months, those requirements have evolved based on current conditions, including the Austin-Travis County Risk-Based Guidelines. A document, Bringing Events Back: Austin-Travis County COVID-19 Safety Guide for Venues & Special Events, was developed and is regularly updated to help indoor venues and outdoor events understand COVID safety at events. The current event guidelines which regulate events permitted by the Austin Center for Events are designed to create the safest environment possible.  

 Currently, an event must be able to follow the enhanced mitigation criteria: 

·       Conduct screening of all attendees including but not limited to requiring proof of a negative COVID-19 test result within 72 hours of entering an event. 

·       Develop strategies for maintaining at least 6 feet of social distancing.  

·       Include “mask zones” in outdoor event areas where social distancing is not possible.  

 For indoor events with 1,000+ attendees, and outdoor events with 2,500+, the submitted Health and Safety Form must be approved by the Austin Public Health Department. An APH staff member will review an applicant’s form and either approve their plans or work with them on strengthening mitigation efforts so they can hold a safe event. As conditions improve, we will continue working with event organizers to implement measures that reduce the risk of spreading COVID.”

Outdoor restrictions of any kind are completely asinine. (See: common sense)

Honestly, I’m not sure that some people will ever be able to come back from the trauma that’s been inflicted on them by the government COVID regimes.

Ask the CIA about trauma-based manipulation and control.

Project MKUltra, it’s predecessors, and offshoots existed from the 1950s until the early 1970s when it was terminated (if it even was).

Our government learned first-hand the effectiveness of inflicting serious trauma on people (drugs, torture, verbal and sexual abuse, sensory deprivation, severe isolation, etc.) in order to gain the ability to control and manipulate the persons subjected to it afterwards.

It was incredibly effective.

That’s not a “conspiracy theory” — that’s pure fact.

Lockdowns, isolation, forced mandates, fears of death, fears of losing your business or your job, loved ones dying, constant negativity in the media, constant news of violence and other horror.

Not to mention the damage we’ve done to our children; extended isolation, constant masking, forcible injections of an experimental serum.

Don’t tell me that’s not trauma that could have been avoided. Suicides and mental health complications are at an ALL TIME HIGH. It’s not getting better either.

Some people will be lost forever.

Some are already lost forever. Thousands in fact, due to Democrat governors who forced COVID-positive seniors back in nursing homes, despite the BLATANT risk.

I’m looking directly at you Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer, Tom Wolf, Phil Murphy, and Gavin Newsome (wherever you are).

By the way, all of this is no fault of ours for neglecting to get some useless and ineffective experimental serum.

Who knows what the long term effects of this moment in history will be. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look good. We must stop it now.

God Bless our Veterans.


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