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WATCH: Governor DeSantis Warns the Vaccinated Will Soon Be Declared “Unvaccinated” Without a Booster


Did Ron DeSantis say what I think he said?

Something that WLT has warned you for months.

Those who received two mRNA injections (one dose for Johnson & Johnson) will be declared unvaccinated without a booster jab

I think DeSantis is the first American politician to make this statement.

Fortunately, his message came in the context of a warning from what future COVID-19 restrictions to expect from the federal government.

Feel free to correct me in the comments if another AMERICAN politician previously stated this ‘conspiracy theory.’

Watch below:

Ever since Israel used this script after the COVID-19 jab’s complete failure, I knew that was the destined future for the United States.

It was only a matter of time.

However, critical thinkers who warned vaccinated individuals of this were labeled conspiracy nuts.

I guess the conspiracy theorists were right again.

The CDC & Fraudci have already suggested the definition of unvaccinated will change.

It’s only a matter of time before boosters go from voluntary to compulsory.

We’ll see how many vaccinated Americans comply or settle for being the double-jabbed unvaccinated.

DeSantis also discussed how Florida would combat Biden’s unconstitutional COVID-19 jab mandates.

From The Right Scoop:

DeSantis announced this morning that he will be joining other states like Alabama and Georgia to challenge Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate:

“This is five hundred pages of a government of a bureaucracy government that is being run by executive edict, not in accordance with the typical constitutional processes and the state of Florida is going to respond and, and we will combat the osha role as soon as it’s publish the state of Florida will be joining with Georgia and Alabama, as well as private plaintiffs to file suit. This is a rule that is not consistent with the constitution and is not legally authorized through congressional statutes.”

Watch more of the DeSantis press conference on Rumble:


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