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NEW Pentagon Report: China Expected To Have 700 Nuclear Warheads By 2027; 1,000 By 2030


As Joe Biden wanders aimlessly while his handlers continue their shameless attempt at destroying this country, China is only getting stronger.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sensing profound weakness and cowardice in the White House (and they are correct), have ramped up their mission to dominate the United States financially, technologically, and militarily.

According to Yahoo News (via Time), a new report from the Pentagon estimates China to reach 700 operational nuclear warheads by the year 2027 and 1,000 by 2030:

A Department of Defense report on Chinese military power released Wednesday says China is expected to have 700 operational warheads by 2027 and at least 1,000 by 2030, which exceeds the pace and size of China’s arsenal projected by the Department’s same annual report published last year. The Pentagon did not estimate the current number of warheads Beijing has, which was assessed to be in the “low-200s” last year with plans to double by the end of this decade.

The Pentagon says the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), as China calls its military, is seeking to build a stockpile many times larger as part of its decades-long march to establish a “world-class” fighting force that can challenge the U.S. in air, land, sea, space and cyberspace. The Chinese military, headlong into a complete modernization of its forces, may have already fielded a so-called nuclear “triad” that can launch an attack from submarines, bombers, or intercontinental ballistic missiles—a capability Russia and the U.S. have had for decades.

The report comes just weeks after news of that the Chinese successfully tested a nuclear-capable weapon, called a “hypersonic glide vehicle,” which sent tremors through national security circles in Washington. The capability came years before analysts believed China would be able to develop it. Last week, Milley compared the test to 1957 when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik, the world’s first satellite, that revealed the U.S. was technologically behind in the space race.

Joe Biden is an incompetent fool. He can’t even make up his mind on this foreign policy.

Can anyone tell me how a person flip flops like this within such a short time frame? Then expects people to believe it’s genuine or we’re the ones who are mistaken.

Have a look for yourself:

“They’re not competition for us!” – Joe Biden

Well, Brandon, actually they are.

Not only are the Chi Comms ramping up production of the actual weapons themselves, they are taking every measure necessary to ensure the infrastructure is in place to use them once they’re ready.

The Yahoo article also provides details on a new publication from the Federation of American Scientists on this subject:

New satellite images, published by the Federation of American Scientists and others, reveal that China has quietly constructed hundreds of new silos capable of launching long-range ballistic missiles. It may represent one aspect of China’s expansion amid all three legs of its nuclear triad, which the Pentagon noted in its new report, but the overall strategy remains unclear, outside analysts say.

Hans Kristensen, a nuclear weapons expert at the Federation of American Scientists, said the “significant increase” of Chinese weapons in the Department of Defense (DoD) report provided no certainty of a build-up. “I have to caution that DoD tends to use the high end of the intelligence community estimates,” he said.

Like sharks, China can smell blood in the water.

Joe Biden is the laughing stock of the entire world and China is circling the chum.

Another threat and perhaps one that is equally concerning, is the race to develop hypersonic missiles.

For those who are not familiar with why, consider this…

Hypersonic missiles are capable of traveling at five times the speed of light. Yes, that’s pretty fast.

Theoretically, if a warhead was fired at us today, the US Military has different surface-to-air interceptor missiles they would launch in order to seek, intercept, and destroy the inbound threat before it reaches its intended target.

However, modern interceptors are no match for picking off projectiles travelling through the sky at five times the speed of sound.

The implications of developing these new weapon systems are extremely dire for the United States. Especially in our current state of control by Democrats who care nothing about this country or the safety of its citizens.

The first nation to develop this technology has a very obvious advantage in global military domination.

To allow China (or another nefarious actor) to beat us to the punch would have MASSIVE implications for national security.

Here is what Mike Pompeo had to say on recent tests the Chinese conducted in their attempt to develop hypersonic weapons. I trust Mike on this as much as anyone.

Clip is well worth your time…

I’m sure there will be more to come as the “arms race” of the 2020s continues to progress full steam ahead.

Please continue to pray for our country. We need it in this dark hour.

Because China is not backing down anytime soon:


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