Billionaire Elon Musk, the richest man in the entire world, turned some heads on Twitter yesterday when he responded to a screenshot of a CNN article claiming he could solve world hunger with only 2% of his fortune.
If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 31, 2021
What’s terrific is that Elon’s offer comes with a requirement that any proposed accounting must be transparent and open source to allow public disclosure of how exactly the money is spent.
“Sunlight is a wonderful thing.” Indeed it is, Elon. Indeed it is.
But it must be open source accounting, so the public sees precisely how the money is spent.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 31, 2021
CNN’s article presents the view of Executive Director for the UN World Food Programme, David Beasley:
A small group of ultra-wealthy individuals could help solve world hunger with just a fraction of their net worth, says the director of the United Nations’ World Food Programme.
Billionaires need to “step up now, on a one-time basis”, said David Beasley in an interview on CNN’s Connect the World with Becky Anderson that aired Tuesday — citing specifically the world’s two richest men, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.“$6 billion to help 42 million people that are literally going to die if we don’t reach them. It’s not complicated,” he added.Tesla chief executive Musk has a net worth of nearly $289 billion, according to Bloomberg, meaning that Beasley is asking for a donation of just 2% of his fortune. The net worth of US billionaires has almost doubled since the pandemic began, standing at $5.04 trillion in October, according to progressive groups Institute for Policy Studies and Americans for Tax Fairness.A “perfect storm” of several crises, such as climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic, mean many nations are “knocking on famine’s door,” Beasley said.
Half of the population of Afghanistan — 22.8 million people — face an acute hunger crisis, according to a WFP report released Monday. Rampant unemployment and a liquidity crisis means the country is teetering on the edge of a humanitarian crisis and 3.2 million children under the age of five are at risk, the report concluded.
No, @elonmusk, the UN 🇺🇳 and its organizations such as WFP would never open source their accounting, because then you would realize that ~80% of the budget is wasted on bureaucracy and incompetence.
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) October 31, 2021
For years, organizations like the WFP, Red Cross, and *cough* the Clinton Foundation have been given billions and billions of dollars for relief and aid in impoverished countries:
This morning, Maria Bartiromo’s show ‘Morning Buzz’ on Fox News Business ran a segment on Elon’s controversial tweets:
Watch here and listen closely to what Liz Peek says:
“…think about Haiti, a country of 11 Million people that has received 13 Billion in aid over the last decade and yet it is as poor and as famished as ever..
Wasn’t there a Foundation that did a lot of work in Haiti. Like, A LOT of work?
Here is a well sourced article from Corey’s Digs that lays out a ton of sketch activity which has taken place in Haiti since the Clinton Foundation‘s started their disaster relief work there:
1) Most of you are familiar with the Digicel scandal, but did you know that Dennis O’Brien, owner and CEO of Digicel in Haiti, personally travels every 2 months in his private Jet to pick up CASH in U.S. dollars that his cellular monopoly is generating? Do you know where that money goes? The Clinton Foundation is given 10%, and several others in connection with this monopoly are thrown some small bones.
2) In 2016 – 59 dead bodies were found with missing organs in the small town of Thomazeau, in northern Haiti. It was never reported about.
3) Drug trafficking remains one of the largest problems and biggest money-makers in Haiti, with drugs running from Columbia to Haiti and straight on through to the U.S., along with three billion dollars a year in laundered money. Interestingly, some power players we know have interests in Columbia. Could there be any connections
4) Though Haiti was a huge producer of rice, producing enough for both consumption and exporting, Bill Clinton had the tariff lowered, established a “deal” in Haiti to be “the seller of rice”, then proceeded to import rice from Arkansas. This completely obliterated the rice production in Haiti, as the farmers could no longer sell enough rice.
5) In February, 2017, Kenneth H. Merten, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs and previous Ambassador to Haiti, along with Omarosa Manigault, were instrumental in leading the delegation of Jovenel Moïse to his installation as President of Haiti. Why was it so important that Jovenel, an alleged money launderer, be installed as President?

The Clintons aren’t the only Global power players dipping their toes in the endless pool of fundraising.
A couple of years ago, videos began surfacing on the internet purportedly showing ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) boxes containing millions of dollars in cash.
It is not clear what the cash was earmarked for or how authentic the video is.
The ICRC condemned the allegations.
Watch and decide for yourself:
Even Musk touched on the subject of sketchy activity in his thread of tweets and responses to David Beasley:
What happened here?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 31, 2021
Wow. Shots fired.
The 2015 article Elon is from the Express (WARNING: it gets a little graphic)
Starving children ‘as young as NINE forced to give UN officials oral sex to get food’
CHILDREN as young as nine traded oral sex for food from UN peacekeepers in warzones while officials looked the other way, a shocking new report has claimed.
Memos about the sexual abuse in the Central African Republic were “passed from desk to desk, inbox to inbox, across multiple UN offices, with no one willing to take responsibility”, the report found.
It added: “The welfare of the victims and the accountability of the perpetrators appeared to be an afterthought, if considered at all.”
The investigation revealed that French peacekeepers from the UN’s children agency, UNICEF, failed to act on reports of sexual abuse in early 2014 in the midst of civil war.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed “profound regret that these children were betrayed by the very people sent to protect them” and said he accepted the panel’s broad findings.
No one has been arrested more than a year and a half after UN authorities were made aware of the sexual abuse allegations.
Four French soldiers were questioned last week and released without charge.
It took almost a year for UN staff to respond to allegations of rape by six children.
Absolutely disgusting.
“SCUM” as President Trump likes to say.
Perhaps if we stopped creating wars out of thin air causing massive death and destruction, we wouldn’t force millions and millions of refugees to flee their homes via mass migration. We saw this for years in the Middle East, thanks to the lies told by the Bush Administration. Even Vox agrees:
The best estimates available suggest that more than 250,000 people have died as a result of George W. Bush and Tony Blair’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003. A newly released investigative report from the UK government suggests that intelligence officials knew ahead of time that the war would cause massive instability and societal collapse and make the problem of terrorism worse — and that Blair and Bush went ahead with the effort anyway.
Not only does war create international strife, it serves to create waves of refugees who have no choice but to flood other countries. A ton of this is due to open border policies, particularly in the European Union. When this happens, often times I believe the refugees do not assimilate well and struggle to adapt to the customs and formalities of their new home.
This massive number of new occupants dilutes the voices and votes of the citizens. Open borders, asinine immigration policies, and the promise of free money and government handouts, leads to the establishment of a permanent voter base and a perpetual dependency on big government.
Now do you see why the Democrats want our borders wide open?
Now do you see why the European Union opened the door to millions of migrants from Syria and other countries?
The New World order will stop at nothing. There is nothing too shameless for them.
We must say NO to unnecessary war, NO to corrupt organizations laundering tax payer money, NO to power hungry, career politicians who only serve the interest of themselves and their families.
It starts with you. Have courage.
On a lighter note, here’s a phenomenal compilation of Elon Musk’s best moments on Joe Rogan’s podcast:
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