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New Dan Scavino Tweet: Is This More Proof Biden Is NOT In The White House?


Dan Scavino has a history of publishing VERY interesting Tweets.

Sometimes people read too much into them….

But sometimes it feels impossible he is not trying to convey a message.

A slightly hidden message that you can figure out if you just look ever so lightly under the surface.

Here’s his latest….watch here and then scroll down for my thoughts:

It’s a video with no comment to President Trump and Melania hosting a big and beautiful Halloween bash the First Couple hosted at the White House in 2020.

In fact, it is longstanding tradition for the President and First Lady to host events at the White House on major holidays.

So what happened this year?

Biden is gone, allegedly busy in Rome crapping his pants while visiting with the Pope.

Anyone else find it interesting that the “most popular President in history” doesn’t have big celebrations at the White House like President Trump & Melania had?

In fact, we’ve had several holidays since the Biden Regime ALLEGEDLY took office….

… any of you recall any events hosted by Biden at the White House?

Like even one?

Actually, it gets worse than that.

Not only are are there no events hosted at the White House, it has now been confirmed by all major media (yes, even the lying MSM all now confirm it) that Biden created a replica White House set and uses it to film major events.

Have you seen that?

If not, be prepared to have your mind blown….

Two days ago, I posted video of Joe Biden allegedly getting his third booster shot and here’s what I said.


I’m not one to say we’re all watching a movie….

I have never said that.

But I do have eyes and I can see when something looks “off”….or fake.

And by God I watched the video of the Resident allegedly getting his booster jab today and the whole thing just looked off.

But see what you think and let me know.

In case you missed it, here was the video.

You can watch it here on Rumble:

I wasn’t the only person who thought it looked wrong.

Check this out:


Anyone else think that window looks fake as hell?

Like a cartoon screen behind him.

And his head doesn’t look right, like it’s in front of a green screen?

Well folks, all I can say “wow”…..we were right!

That’s why you read WeLoveTrump, right?

Because we don’t hold back and we call it like we see it.

And boy oh boy did we nail this one.

So here’s what happened….

Earlier today this photo started circulating online:

When I saw that I thought it had to be fake.

I thought someone who disliked Biden had faked the shot and made it look like Biden was obviously faking the White House set.

But then?

As the day rolled on, the photo was confirmed to be TRUE.

I know this is getting confusing….the photo showing the Biden FAKERY was proven true!

In fact, it wasn’t just a photo, there was video of the whole thing.

Video of the whole White House “set”.

It turns out the whole Biden jab didn’t even take place at the White House at all….it took place at a replica.

No folks, this is not conspiracy theory or “enjoy the movie” talk.

This was confirmed by Fox News and Errol Webber and Amy Tarkanian.

Take a look at these:

Wayne Dupree confirms:

Even Stephen Colbert mocked the lunacy:

And then the question we are all asking:


The short answer to that question may be what we have been wondering all along….

Is Biden truly not the President?

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

I mean, we all know he didn’t “win” but is he truly not even in the White House?

Oh my, the story just got REALLY good folks.

Stay tuned, I think we’re in for a wild ride!

Did the entire psyop just break wide open?


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