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Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey Changes Tune From “Blaming the Unvaccinated” to Resisting Biden’s Vaccine Mandates!


Alabama Republican Governor Kay Ivey was very pro-vaccine just this summer.

In July, Ivey mentioned that “we need to start blaming the unvaccinated folks” for the ‘worsening pandemic.’

Now, the Alabama Governor is resisting Biden’s vaccine mandates.

She’s even joining a multistate lawsuit against Biden’s federal vaccine mandates!

What happened between July and now to change the Alabama Governor’s tune?

Whatever woke up Governor Ivey needs to be passed around to all Governors!

On Monday, Governor Ivey issued an executive order stating state officials should not penalize businesses or individuals for ignoring federal vaccine mandates.

The executive order also states that Alabama state officials should “take all practical steps to notify the affected” that Alabama opposes Biden’s unconstitutional mandate.

AP News has more:

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey on Monday directed state agencies not to cooperate with the federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate, where possible, and instead help with the state’s efforts to file a lawsuit challenging the vaccination requirements.

The directive is part of Republican officials’ efforts to resist the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate, but the impact of the Alabama order is unclear since it can only cover state executive branch agencies.

Ivey signed an executive order forbidding executive branch agencies — which include agencies such as Medicaid, Mental Health and Human Resources — from penalizing employees or businesses for non-compliance with the federal vaccine mandate. If federal law requires the penalty, Ivey directed the state entity to take steps to notify the affected business or individual that Alabama does not condone the penalty.

Gina Maiola, a spokesperson for Ivey, said the governor issued the executive order because some state agencies could potentially fall under the federal vaccine mandate or have enforcement duties. Maiola did not immediately respond to an email seeking examples.

“The federal government’s outrageous overreach has simply given us no other option, but to begin taking action, which is why I am issuing this executive order to fight these egregious COVID-19 vaccine mandates,” Ivey said in a statement.

While the Alabama Governor once blamed the unvaccinated, now she is moving to protect her constituents from government overreach.

On Monday, Governor Ivey promised Alabamians she would fight the White House in court.

Today, Ivey took to Twitter to announce her lawsuit against Biden’s federal vaccine mandates.

Her statement is below:

I have joined a lawsuit to fight back against the outrageous, overreaching Biden vaccine mandates. From the moment the White House tried to force this vaccine on to Americans, I have said that Alabama is standing strong against it and that the best way to stop this is to go to the courts. I am proud to take this important step and join Georgia and other states to pursue the most effective legal path to stop this vaccine mandate dead in its tracks. Alabamians are overwhelmingly against these egregious, overreaching federal mandates, and I stand firmly with them.

The lawsuit states the Biden administration’s vaccine plan violates the Tenth Amendment and federal laws on procurement. 

It’s not like the Biden administration is giving anyone time to comply with the coercive, draconian plan either!

The lawsuit also claims Alabama would lose “staggering” amounts of money if it were not to comply with the Contractor mandate.

It also mentions the loss of many employees in state agencies within Alabama.

Other states in the lawsuit include West Virginia, Utah, South Carolina, Kansas, Idaho, and Georgia.

Montgomery Advertiser has more on the multistate lawsuit:

The lawsuit argues that by requiring employees to get the shot, many state agencies will see large numbers of employees who oppose vaccination leave the ranks. The lawsuit also alleges, without providing specifics, that this would affect the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH), which has coordinated the state response to the outbreak. 

“ADPH has over 2,600 employees,” the lawsuit states. “Many of these employees are unvaccinated, and many are likely to quit their jobs if forced to receive the COVID- 19 vaccination as a condition of further employment.”

The suit does not say how many employees at ADPH, a plaintiff in the lawsuit, would be affected or how the ADPH came to that conclusion. An email seeking comment was sent to ADPH Saturday morning.

The suit also argues that the Biden plan violates the federal Procurement Act by “disrupting the continuity of the contractor workforce,” and exceeding the language in it.

“Congress cannot simply offer a general policy that is untethered to a delegation of legislative power,” the lawsuit says. “For a delegation to be proper, Congress must articulate a clear principle or directive of its congressional will within the legislative act. “

The suit also argues that the plan violates the 10th Amendment’s delegation of powers to the states.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said in a statement that the plan was “strategically designed with an unreasonable timetable to exert maximum coercive pressure on states.”

It is great to see another state take measures to protect its citizens from the tyrannical federal government.

But the question still remains: why did Governor Ivey change her tune?

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Perhaps this was the precipice for Governor Ivey.

Maybe she had a last-minute change in conscience.

Or was she playing a part, pretending to be mad at the unvaccinated?

Whatever the case for the Governor’s flip flop, let’s hope more states follow her lead to resist Biden’s vaccine mandates.


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