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Articles of Impeachment for TREASON Introduced in House Against Joe Biden


Articles of Impeachment have been formally introduced in the House of Representatives against Joe Biden.

Included in the Articles of Impeachment are accusations of treason.

Biden has been in the White House for barely 10 months.

This is one of the fastest times on record for Articles to be introduced.

It hasn’t even been a full year!

The Articles were introduced by MTG.

While it’s unlikely that Biden will be impeached since Democrats have a majority in both chambers, it’s clear that his political clout has vanished.

The charges include “abuse of power.”

MTG has accused Biden of abusing his power to help enrich his son, which in turn enriched himself.

Of course, the media is trying to cover this up.

The media hates MTG.

And the media is protecting Biden.

So they aren’t covering this news story.

Fortunately, our friend Kyle Becker has more details at Becker News:

President Biden has been hit with formal impeachment charges and has been accused of “treason.” The Articles of Impeachment have been filed in the House of Representatives. The impeachment charges were announced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Friday.

“I have introduced House Res. 57, these are Articles of Impeachment on President Biden,” Rep. Greene said. “For abuse of power in regards to his willingness to use his position of power to aid his son Hunter Biden in his business dealings.”

“I have also introduced another Article of Impeachment on President Biden, which is H. Res 597,” she continued. “This has to do with the national security crisis that President Biden has created with regards to the extreme threat at the southern border.”

“I have introduced House Res. 598, Articles of Impeachment on President Biden in regards to the failure in Afghanistan,” Rep. Greene went on. “And I have introduced House Res. 596, Articles of Impeachment on President Biden for the Covid eviction moratorium and his willingness to use his position to try to do what he shouldn’t be doing. We have three branches of power.”

“Joe Biden swore an oath, he said ‘I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States and I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States’ and he is failing to uphold his oath,” Rep. Greene added.

“Joe Biden is failing the American people by refusing to uphold the law and the Constitution,” she said. “But Afghanistan is where it really hurt. You see, Article III, Section 3, Joe Biden could be guilty of treason.”

“Our law says that levying war against the U.S., adhering to the enemies of the U.S., and giving ‘aid and comfort’ is treason,” Rep. Greene said. “President Biden did that by arming the Taliban with our taxpayer-funded U.S. equipment and weapons. He abandoned Americans in Afghanistan and seems to have no interest in getting them back.”

On Friday, Becker News reported that the State Department admitted in an “off-the-record” call that the U.S. government believes there are as many as six times as many Americans trapped in Afghanistan than the public has been told. The Washington Free Beacon broke the story, based on Capitol Hill sources.

“We now know this administration repeatedly lied to the world about the citizens of our country it abandoned in Afghanistan,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R.-CA), whose office has assisted with evacuating Americans, told the Free Beacon. “But it did something even worse: It broke a sacred bond of trust between Americans and their government. This isn’t close to over.”

Biden’s popularity has dropped faster than any other president.

His approval rating is now stuck in the mid-thirties according to almost every poll.

Given how many disasters he’s created, many people expect his approval to drop even lower.

If that happens, he could actually be impeached in the future.

This actually is NOT the first time Articles of Impeachment were introduced against Biden.

A month ago, FOUR House Republicans attempted to impeach Biden over Afghanistan.

Fox News confirms:

A group of House Republicans has filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden.

“I filed articles of impeachment against @POTUS based on what I believe to be clear violations of his duties,” Rep. Bob Gibbs of Ohio posted on Twitter Wednesday the day after filing the impeachment articles. “There are dynamics in Congress preventing this from being debated. But I could not stand by while Biden commits flagrant & deliberate violations of his oath of office.”

​Gibbs explained that Biden’s handling of the surge of illegal immigrants at the border and his attempts to extend the federal eviction moratorium constitute a failure to carry out his duties as president.

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“His willful negligence of the border crisis is a failure to maintain and defend American sovereignty. Biden’s attempts to extend a federal eviction moratorium despite the Supreme Court’s warning and his own admission that he has no power to do so is a blatant and intentional action that violates the separation of powers​,” Gibbs told the Daily Mail on Wednesday.

Gibbs said that the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan that claimed the lives of 13 U.S. service members was also a major factor in the decision to file articles of impeachment.

Gibbs, who was joined by Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona and Reps. Brian Babin and Randy Weber of Texas, acknowledged in an interview with the Washington Examiner that the impeachment is unlikely to succeed.

Has any other president had a worse first 10 months than Biden?

If you can think of one, let us know in the comments below!


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