With Biden at the helm, vaccine mandates are beginning for many across our country.
Although many citizens demand medical freedom, Biden and the Left have turned a blind eye.
Because of this, massive protests against medical tyranny are picking up in the United States, with some healthcare workers burning their scrubs!
Today marked an important day for the staff at New York Public Schools as their Covid vaccine mandate went into effect.
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Staff who do not comply with the vaccine mandate face unpaid leave.
Instead of complying or quitting, hundreds of staff members, including teachers, gathered in front of the Department of Education in Brooklyn, NY, to protest for medical freedom.
The crowd enthusiastically chanted “HOLD THE LINE” and “WE WILL NOT COMPLY” while marching through Brooklyn.
Large group of protestors crossed over the Brooklyn bridge heading to City Hall as COVID vaccine mandate takes effect for NYC teachers & staff. pic.twitter.com/4iiCpyV5dy
— CaitlinSinclairTV (@CSinclairtv) October 4, 2021
Could this be why many social media sites such as Facebook are down today?
The mainstream media can run, but they can’t hide!
Yahoo News even reports that the crowd cheered “F*** Joe Biden and de Blasio” and “The system is corrupt.”
Here is more from Yahoo News:
Protesters chanted, “F*** Joe Biden and de Blasio,” outside the New York City Department of Education office Monday, according to a video posted on Twitter.
The crowd mobilized outside the Education Department building in Brooklyn to protest thousands of teachers getting laid off for not being vaccinated.
“The system is corrupt,” protesters can be heard chanting.
Cries of “hold the line” and “we will not comply” can also be heard in the footage.
This comes in response to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio‘s announcement in August that all educators would be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine by Oct. 1 to keep teaching, according to the NYC Department of Education’s website.
We are indeed in the middle of the great awakening, with more and more becoming aware of the vaccine mandate agenda.
Reuters posted a video to YouTube from the protest where you can audibly hear screams of “New York does not consent!”
Some visible signs include “No Medical Mandates Health Freedom Now,” “Teachers Today, Kids Tomorrow,” and “My Body My Choice.”
Red pills for everyone when the mainstream media starts reporting on the vaccine mandate protests!
You can check out a clip from the New York vaccine mandate protest on YouTube below:
We stand in solidarity with our fellow patriots in New York as they continue to hold the line.
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