I am not going to lie to you guys, I went into the audit hearings feeling really disheartened……
The left has been trying to discourage us, and I saw that leaked preliminary report or at least how the MSM was spinning it, and it didn’t look good.
In fact, the first several hours of the audit hearing didn’t look so good either…..
Then came the damning testimony of digital forensic expert and analyst Ben Cotton, and I cannot even begin to tell you the number of questions I have for Maricopa County officials.
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I’ll post some of the details below, but for now here’s what you need to keep in mind:
These voting machines were in fact connected to the internet, here are some of the logs showing that there were in fact connections and log in requests made to the DNS on certain election systems:
Significant portions of data or altered files were also detected as a part of Ben Cotton’s forensic analysis.
Cotton found that hundreds, and in certain cases thousands of files had been altered or deleted. These included file directories, file cabs, and individual files from the system.
The most shocking development according to Cotton is that Maricopa officials deliberately deleted and altered files the day before materials were set to be handed over to the auditors.
Keep in mind that Maricopa has still not handed over passwords, router info, and many other digital tokens and data that would officially complete the audit and shed light on why these files were deleted.
Below are some of the deleted files and data:
Several other issues were presented including issues with the hardware configuration on election machines and computers.
Certain computer systems were found to contain dual-booting hard drives, meaning that a non-compliant configuration could be accessed at any time, access data from the ‘compliant’ hard drive, and switch between the two.
Because of this issue none of the machines which feature this dual-booting hard drive configuration are even compliant with election standards—they should never have been given the green light for use:
Mr.Cotton’s testimony was extremely revealing, and at times shocking.
He was met with a loud and almost thunderous applause when he said: “We have captured screen shots of Maricopa County people at the keyboards during those time periods.”
He was referring to the deletion and alteration of data.
The ballot counts did not reveal much in my opinion—they did however show a sloppy and highly disorganized voting system.
The real takeaway from today’s audit was the expert testimony of Ben Cotton.
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