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AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich: I Will Take ALL Necessary Actions That Are Supported By The Evidence”


We all saw what just happened at the Arizona audit hearing……

The paper count was inconsequential due to the testimony of forensic expert Ben Cotton. 

As many of you recall, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich recently went after Maricopa County by using the threat of pulling funding, if they did not comply with the subpoena and send the requested materials.

Those materials included things like routers, passwords, and other digital tokens required to access Maricopa’s election systems and shed light on some of the ‘discrepancies’.

This threat worked, and Maricopa County has since caved to the demands of both Brnovich and the Arizona State Senate.

Now Brnovich is vowing to take “all necessary actions” against Maricopa County that are “supported by the evidence”.

Take a look:

Here is Brnovich’s full statement via The Arizona Attorney General’s website:

“I will take all necessary actions that are supported by the evidence and where I have legal authority. Arizonans deserve to have their votes accurately counted and protected.” Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich

The Arizona Attorney General’s Office (AGO) has an Election Integrity Unit (EIU) that will thoroughly review the Senate’s information and evidence. The AGO cannot comment on specific allegations until its review is complete. For more on EIU actions, click here.

Attorney General Brnovich has taken numerous actions over the past year fighting for election integrity in Arizona, recently winning at the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in Brnovich v. DNC. General Brnovich also consistently supported the Senate’s authority to conduct the audit, and in December 2020 the AGO filed an amicus brief supporting the Senate’s subpoena authority.

General Brnovich also called for an increase in the hand count audit by Maricopa County back in November of 2020 to increase voter confidence in the results.

National File reports:

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann referred the findings of the Maricopa County forensic audit to Arizona Attorney Mark Brnovich for potential “further investigation” and highlighted many concerns raised by the Arizona Audit.

“In the history of democracies – from ancient Athens to today – ours was the most detailed,demanding, and uncompromising election audit that has ever been conducted,” opened Senate President Karen Fann, noting that auditors spent a combined more than 100,000 hours examining Maricopa County’s handling of the 2020 election.


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