We’re treading extremely close to mark of the beast territory.
Some might say we’re already there.
While I’ll hold my reservations for now on that, Italy took the most Orwellian step in Europe.
The Italian government mandated the nation’s COVID-19 Green Pass for all workers.
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If you show up to work without your papers, then you’re suspended without pay.
Without a job, then you have no money to feed yourself or your family.
This should qualify as attempted murder from the tyrannical Italian regime.
Here’s the latest:
BREAKING: Italy looking to make covid passports MANDATORY for all workers.
People who turn up to work without a "green pass" risk being suspended from their job without pay.
This is draconian.
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) September 15, 2021
#Italy’s government is readying a #VaccineMandate that will make it required for all workers to have a #COVID-19 “green pass,” a type of #VaccinePassport, officials said Thursday.https://t.co/G752qfbpH7
— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) September 16, 2021
ITALY—Government reportedly set to obligate “green pass” for entire work force (public and private sectors).#GreenpassObbligatorio pic.twitter.com/QuG44lnwRZ
— Bree A Dail (@breeadail) September 16, 2021
Reuters reported:
Italy is set to make its COVID-19 “Green Pass” mandatory for all workers from next month, a minister said on Wednesday, becoming the first European country to do so as it tries to accelerate vaccinations and stamp out infections.
The pass, a digital or paper certificate showing someone has received at least one vaccine dose, tested negative or recently recovered from the virus, was originally conceived to ease travel among EU states.
But Italy was among a group of countries that also made it a requirement for people to access venues such as museums, gyms and indoor dining in restaurants.
It subsequently extended use of the pass for teachers and school staff, despite frictions over the issue in Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s national unity coalition.
Regional Affairs Minister Mariastella Gelmini said the cabinet was ready to go still further when it met on Thursday.
“We are heading towards a mandatory Green Pass not only for public sector workers but also private sector ones,” she told RAI radio. “The vaccine is the only weapon we have against COVID and we can only contain infection by vaccinating a great majority of the population.”
Failure to have a Green Pass could result in workers being suspended and losing their pay. It wasn’t immediately clear if it could be used as grounds for dismissal.
The Epoch Times weighed in:
Several European countries such as France or Switzerland have vaccine passport requirements in place at venues such as, gyms, restaurants, bars, and similar businesses, as well as for long-distance travel. However, none yet have made it mandatory for private-sector employees. Last week, President Joe Biden announced that he will direct the federal government to enforce a rule that some 80 million private employees in the United States either get the vaccine or submit to weekly COVID-19 testing.
In France, large demonstrations have been held on a weekly basis to rail against the vaccine passports. Opponents of the rule say that it is discriminatory and tramples on individual freedoms.
Failure to have a green pass, or “certificazione verde” in Italian, could result in workers being suspended and losing their pay, Italian officials said, according to the Reuters news agency. It wasn’t immediately clear if it could be used as grounds for dismissal.
The move is designed to spur more vaccinations in Italy, asserted Health Minister Robert Spinoza this week during an interview, according to Italian media. Italian officials have said they want to vaccinate everyone aged 12 and older by the end of the month.
Within the United States, Los Angeles County on Wednesday will become the most populous municipality to implement a vaccine passport to enter certain businesses such as bars, nightclubs, breweries, lounges, and related businesses, said County Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer during a Board of Supervisors meeting. New York City, New Orleans, and San Francisco have imposed similar requirements.
It wouldn’t surprise me to see Dictator Joe try this in the near future.
More mandates for the unvaccinated are down the pipe.
Whether it’s on all workers, domestic air travel, or something else, citizens must hold the line.
Don’t give in and force their hand.
Because compliance only gives the tyrants more incentive for additional draconian edicts.
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