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STUDY: Childhood Obesity Increased From 36 to 45 Percent in 5-11 Year Olds During COVID-19 Hysteria


We’re in a public health crisis, and the government cares about our health.

Isn’t that right?

That’s what they tell us on mainstream media.

In reality, it’s the biggest conspiracy theory to ever exist.

The majority of the population has a 99.9% survival rate from COVID-19.

Outside of elderly age and comorbidities, what’s the biggest risk factor for severe complications?


Nearly 80% of COVID-19 hospitalizations in America are overweight/obese individuals.

Since obesity is such a risk factor for COVID-19, I’m still waiting for our exercise and nutrition passports.

But those will never arrive because they make no money for Big Pharma.

Instead of promoting a healthy lifestyle, governments closed gyms, beaches, and playgrounds.

And the ramifications on children’s physical health is starting to reveal itself.

In a new study, the obesity rate for children ages 5-11 increased from 36.2% to 45.7% since COVID-19 began.

Lockdowns and school closures will have an infinitely greater impact on the health of our children than COVID-19.

It will take years to reverse the damage committed by these corrupt politicians and medical overlords.

From JAMA Network:

Youths gained more weight during the COVID-19 pandemic than before the pandemic (Table). The greatest change in the distance from the median BMI for age occurred among 5- through 11-year-olds with an increased BMI of 1.57, compared with 0.91 among 12- through 15-year-olds and 0.48 among 16- through 17-year-olds. Adjusting for height, this translates to a mean gain among 5- through 11-year-olds of 2.30 kg (95% CI, 2.24-2.36 kg) more during the pandemic than during the reference period, 2.31 kg (95% CI, 2.20-2.44 kg) more among 12- through 15-year-olds, and 1.03 kg (95% CI, 0.85-1.20 kg) more among 16- through 17-year-olds. Overweight or obesity increased among 5- through 11-year-olds from 36.2% to 45.7% during the pandemic, an absolute increase of 8.7% and relative increase of 23.8% compared with the reference period (Table). The absolute increase in overweight or obesity was 5.2% among 12- through 15-year-olds (relative increase, 13.4%) and 3.1% (relative increase, 8.3%) among 16- through 17-year-olds. Most of the increase among youths aged 5 through 11 years and 12 through 15 years was due to an increase in obesity.

I would say these bureaucrats should feel ashamed of themselves.

But they have no shame.

They don’t feel remorse for the suffering they caused innocent children.

What do they want instead?

They want to inject them with experimental jabs.

Like this tyrant below:

They don’t want our children healthy.

They want them as properties of the state and reliant on indefinite boosters.

Lifelong Big Pharma customers, not a healthy lifestyle.

They’re evil scumbags.

Washington Examiner had this commentary piece about the impact of lockdowns on our children:

Even with the rise of the more transmissible delta variant, the coronavirus hasn’t proven any more fatal, especially not to the children and babies who have been largely spared by the pandemic.

To date, just 385 deaths involving minors, out of the total 54,062 that occurred in 2020 and 2021, resulted from the coronavirus. That’s 0.7% of all child deaths. And even of the more than 100,000 deaths in this period among adults ages 18 to 29, only 2,761 resulted from coronavirus.

Still, young people have not been spared by the increased mortality of the pandemic era. Heedless of the stunning implications of lockdowns and school closures on youth mental health, the nation’s unelected bureaucracy has directly caused a staggering spike in childhood obesity, the magnitude of which could easily kill many more children than the pandemic itself.

Using data from Kaiser Permanente Southern California, a new JAMA study found that weight gain among children has skyrocketed since the pandemic began. Whereas body mass index among children aged 5 through 11 increased by just 0.15 in an 11-month period before the pandemic, it increased by 1.72 from last March to this January. All in all, the share of children that age who qualify as overweight or obese soared from a little more than one-third before the pandemic to nearly half by the beginning of this year.

The share of adolescents ages 12 through 15 who qualify as overweight or obese increased from 39% pre-pandemic to 43% by January, and the share of teenagers aged 16 and 17 increased from 36.5% to 38.2%.

Every one of the 385 coronavirus deaths among minors is a tragedy for which China’s government should be held accountable. But we could have avoided many of the thousands if not millions of deaths that will result from sacrificing children’s health to satisfy teachers unions and protect Boomers.

We don’t know the long-term effects of the virus, though the early lack of “long COVID” among young people already proves promising. But we know the plethora of proven facts about childhood obesity’s long-term implications for overall mortality. Just as one example, a Swedish study of more than 41,000 subjects found that adults who suffered childhood obesity had three times higher risk of mortality in early adulthood than the average population. A 2015 meta-analysis found that one-fifth of all adult cancers, future hypertension, and future coronary heart disease cases occurred in those who were obese as children, and nearly a third of future diabetes cases did so as well. Obesity itself is a major risk factor in half of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States, including the coronavirus.

“Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” is fraudulent and vile propaganda.

However, what’s a reality is a future “Pandemic of the Obese.”

And our politicians and public health officials are directly to blame.


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