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FLASHBACK: Government Apologizes For “Human Radiation Experiments”!


This is truly something!

Many of you may remember when this happened back in 1995, but I would bet many more of you never knew anything about this.

I didn’t.

Thanks to an intrepid researcher, this video was brought to our attention today.

Watch here on Rumble:

Now realize this is the same government trying to force you to get the jab….

Trust them now?

Here is more from when it happened from the AP:

President Clinton apologized to the victims of secret Cold War-era radiation experiments Tuesday and promised greater openness to guard against future abuses.

“We will no longer hide the truth from our citizens,″ Clinton said at a White House ceremony where he accepted a report documenting three decades of government-sponsored experiments on people, often without their clear consent.

A 14-member advisory panel has recommended that victims of the radiation experiments from 1944 to 1974 be financially compensated in cases where the government or researchers deliberately misled them, or where there was no medical benefit and they were physically harmed.

Energy Secretary Hazel O’Leary said she planned to establish a task force to examine who might be eligible for compensation. Most of the experiments involved the Atomic Energy Commission, the department’s predecessor agency.

Accepting the 900-page report, Clinton said, “The United States of America offers a sincere apology to those of our citizens who were subjected to these experiments, to their families and to their communities.″

The panel documented some 4,000 radiation experiments, but said most “are unlikely to have caused physical harm.″ Nevertheless, a number of experiments, including the injection of 18 civilians with plutonium, were singled out as clear violations of ethical and moral standards.

“When the government does wrong, we have a moral responsibility to admit it,″ Clinton told an audience that included a number of relatives of some of the victims of the most troubling experiments.

Promising to prevent future abuses, the president established the National Bioethics Advisory Commission to help shape policy regarding research to assure protection of human test subjects. He also ordered a government-wide review to make certain that the rights of anyone participating in a medical experiment is protected.

The advisory panel singled out only three experiments, involving about 30 people, where it said compensation clearly is warranted. It cited a half dozen other cases that might be “candidates″ for compensation if the test subjects were found to have suffered physical harm.

Clinton said most of the Cold War-era experiments were conducted in an ethical manner, but others _ including the plutonium experiments _ were wrong and often shrouded in secrecy “not for a compelling need for national security, but for the simple fear of embarrassment.″


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