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Mother Loses Parental Rights Because She’s Unvaccinated


So many people in this world have lost their humanity during COVID-19 hysteria.

Politicians became drunk with power and now use an experimental injection as a tool to ruin people’s lives.

A Cook County judge committed one of the most heinous acts I’ve seen during the past 20 months.

He stole a child from their mother.

Because a Chicago mother hasn’t received an experimental COVID-19 jab, he took her parental rights.

Watch below:

This judge has lost his mind and set a horrifying precedent.

What if other wicked judges attempt these same shenanigans?

Unvaccinated parents now have the fear of the state stealing their children if they choose medical freedom.

It’s also insanity that the father and his attorney agree with the judge’s decision.

I know the father is fighting for custody and parental rights like the mother, but requiring any parent to participate in a medical experiment to see their child is disgusting.

The father and his attorney should be ashamed for not condemning this monster.

It’s pure Marxism!

Here’s more:

FOX 32 Chicago reported:

In what all parties agree is a very unusual and perhaps unprecedented step, a judge at Chicago’s Daley Center has stripped Rebecca Firlit of custody because she refuses to get a vaccination shot.

“I miss my son more than anything. It’s been very difficult. I haven’t seen him since August 10th,” Firlit told FOX 32 News in an exclusive interview.

That’s the day Firlit appeared in court via Zoom along with her ex-husband for a child support hearing involving their 11-year-old son. The two have been divorced for seven years and share custody and parenting time.

She says out of the blue, Cook County Judge James Shapiro asked her whether she had been vaccinated. Firlit told Shapiro she had not because she has had bad reactions to vaccines in the past.

Shapiro then ordered that Firlit be stripped of all parenting time with her son until she gets vaccinated.

Over the past two weeks, Firlit has been able to talk to her son on the phone and through video calls, but has not seen him in person.

“I think that it’s wrong. I think that it’s dividing families. And I think it’s not in my son’s best interest to be away from his mother,” Firlit said.

Firlit is now appealing the court order, saying the judge has no business taking away her parenting rights simply because she’s not vaccinated.

“It had nothing to do with what we were talking about. He was placing his views on me. And taking my son away from me,” Firlit said.

Annette Fernholz, Firlit’s attorney, says the judge has overstepped his authority.

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“In this case you have a judge, without any matter before him regarding the parenting time with the child deciding ‘Oh, you’re not vaccinated. You don’t get to see your child until you are vaccinated.’ That kind of exceeds his jurisdiction,” Fernholz said.

“You have to understand the father did not even bring this issue before the court. So it’s the judge on his own and making this decision that you can’t see your child until you’re vaccinated,” Fernholz added.

The attorney representing the father, Jeffrey Leving, says they were also surprised by the judge’s decision, but they support the ruling saying that given the pandemic, the child should be protected from an unvaccinated mother.

Judge James Shapiro is a devil who’s on a power trip.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if other judges attempt similar actions.

Parents, protect your children from these demons.


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