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Coincidence? CDC Says To Prepare For An Outbreak Of A “Polio-Like” Illness In Children This Fall


Makes you go “hmmmm” doesn’t it?

The CDC is now saying that a potential outbreak of a polio-like illness known as acute flaccid myelitis could impact children in The U.S. this fall.

This of course would follow rounds of mass vaccinations among both children and adults, as well as pregnant women, and a complete failure on the part of mainstream media in highlighting really concerning reports on these ‘vaccines’.

Could it be that these vaccines have something to do with with this potential outbreak?

Many suspect that could be the case, but we currently do not know. Outbreaks of the illness have occurred periodically since 2014, so Covid vaccines didn’t cause this, but they could potentially increase risk to suffering an outbreak.

We know that one of the potential side effects of the ‘vaccine’ is Bell’s Palsy, so it isn’t really so far-fetched to think Covid shots could case something like this in children.

After all, the earliest longitudinal studies on these vaccines really won’t be here until 2025 by the earliest.

Keep this earmarked. Keep it on your radar and remember this as we go into the fall season:

US News had more on the story:

The latest outbreak in 2018 was the largest peak ever recorded, with 238 cases across 42 states. Over half were admitted to intensive care units, and a quarter of hospitalized patients required a ventilator, according to the CDC. The average patient age was 5 years old.

Now, health officials are worried that an AFM outbreak during the coronavirus pandemic could complicate efforts to diagnose and treat the illness.

“Clinicians need to remain vigilant for AFM and promptly evaluate patients even as front-line health care workers, family physicians and other medical professionals continue to work under the constraints of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” CDC Director Robert Redfield said on a call with reporters Tuesday.

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The Academy Of American Pediatrics explained:

AFM is an important public health priority, and national surveillance for new cases is ongoing. The COVID-19 pandemic has left uncertainties about the timing of another AFM outbreak.

The CDC continues to raise awareness of AFM among pediatricians, particularly front-line pediatricians in emergency departments and urgent care settings who may be the first to see an affected patient.

The CDC is promoting resources pediatricians need to care for patients and families with AFM, emphasizing the importance of early recognition and hospitalization of patients (see resources).


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