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WATCH: Meltdown Of Chuck Schumer After Ted Cruz Blocks Election Bill


3:30 A.M…….

That is when Chuck Schumer thought it a good idea to bring a bill which would permanently load the dice in favor of Democrats in this country.

These disgusting tactics—like bringing a bill to the floor at 3:30 A.M. is all to characteristic of our elected ‘leaders’.

They’re also eerily reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s conditioning techniques—If you hold a rally in the dead of night those attending are far less likely to object, but I digress. The important takeaway here is that Ted Cruz blocked the bill.

Aside from the fact that Ted Cruz is a hero, Schumer’s reaction to having his bill blocked, a bill he was probably so sure he could sneak by relatively unopposed at 3:30 A.M., is great.

Take a Look at Schumer’s disappointment:

Axios had more details:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) blocked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) attempt to pass Democrats’ signature voting rights package — a revised version of the “For the People Act” — in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The sweeping federal elections overhaul is intended to combat a wave of new voting restrictions in Republican-led states, but has no chance of winning the 60 votes needed to overcome the filibuster.

Schumer attempted to pass the bill via unanimous consent, which requires just one senator to object in order to kill the vote.

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Here is what Ted Cruz had to say via The Texas Tribune:

“This bill would constitute a federal government takeover of elections. … It would strike down virtually every reasonable voter integrity law in the country,” Cruz said.

Schumer proposed unanimous consent for two more proposals that would address redistricting and campaign finance, and Cruz also objected to those as motions.

The great hope among many of the more than 50 Texas Democrats who had decamped to the nation’s capital this summer was that the U.S. Senate would make tangible progress toward a federal voting rights bill before Congress’ annual August recess period. The Texas Democrats, who busted the state Legislature’s quorum to block GOP voting legislation for the past month, pinned their hopes on Congress because they are the minority party in all branches of state government.


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