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WATCH: Board Certified Occupational Therapist Whistleblower Reveals Shocking Medical Corruption in Hawaii – More Patients Die From Experimental Moderna Jab Than COVID-19


Abrien Aguirre is a certified occupational therapist who works in the largest skilled nursing facility in Oahu.

He’s worked in 3 Hawaiian COVID units and has intimate knowledge of the situation in the Aloha State.

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Aguirre recently gave an interview at a protest in Honolulu.

And what Aguirre states in the interview exposes the corruption behind the scenes and the deception from the mainstream media.

Aguirre’s interview is among the most shocking testimonials I’ve seen in the past 18 months of COVID-19 hysteria.

Watch safely on Rumble and share with anyone who still doubts the medical fraud taking place behind closed doors.


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