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CDC Caught Lying About Florida COVID-19 Data


Everyone has a vendetta against the state of Florida right now.

Sleepy Joe.


The Fake News.

And certainly the anti-science CDC.

If you turn on mainstream news, they’re saying Florida has collapsing hospitals and dead bodies in the streets.

It’s pathetic how much they’re lying to paint Florida as a scene of death.

According to Worldometer, Florida is 26th in deaths per capita.

That’s below the national average in the United States.

In case you’re wondering, #1,2, and 3 are deep-blue New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts.

But the medical overlords continue focusing on cases to put Florida under the microscope.

By looking at Florida’s Worldometer chart, you’ll see cases have reached their highest mark.

However, the Florida Department of Health reported the most recent figures to be incorrect.

They spent Monday correcting local media outlets that parroted the false statistics reported by the CDC.

While the Worldometer figures remain incorrect at the time of writing, the CDC Covid Tracker adjusted the Florida daily case numbers.

From Bay News 9:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) adjusted a discrepancy with Florida COVID-19 data on Tuesday, though the new numbers still are not the same as those provided by the state.

On Monday, the CDC reported the state saw another record number of new COVID cases. But the Florida Department of Health disagreed.

On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 28,317 new cases in the state.

Numbers from Sunday showed 28,316 people tested positive.

The Florida Department of Health said those numbers were accumulated over “multiple days” and later provided the following figures:

  • Friday, Aug. 6: 21,500
  • Saturday Aug. 7: 19,567
  • Sunday, Aug. 8: 15,319
  • 3-day average: 18,795

Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Monday that he suspected that, since the CDC does not report on Sundays and Florida sent in three days worth of data, the federal agency combined the numbers.

A CDC spokesperson confirmed to Spectrum News on Tuesday that it was working with the Florida Department of Health to update the cases. It released the following data on its COVID Data Tracker Tuesday afternoon:

  • Friday, Aug. 6: 23,958
  • Saturday, Aug. 7: 21,487
  • Sunday, Aug. 8: 19,584
  • Monday, Aug. 9: 15,322

During the first year of the pandemic, the Florida Department of Health released daily COVID-19 case numbers. It switched to weekly numbers recently though, relying on the CDC to track the daily numbers instead.

Governor DeSantis addressed the incorrect figures:

Townhall reported:

The Florida Department of Health called out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for incorrectly combining several days of data into a single day. The result was that news outlets ran with headlines blaring that the Sunshine State had a “record-breaking 28,317 new cases of Covid-19” on Sunday.

The Department of Health’s Twitter account called out local stories that repeated the incorrect information.

The Department of Health corrected the record, noting that Sunday’s total case count was 15,319.

Some Democratic state representatives jumped on the story, claiming the Florida Department of Health employees were “apparatchiks” of Gov. DeSantis.

The Western Journal had this commentary:

The Florida Department of Health fact-checked several zealous news outlets this week for reporting that the Sunshine State had seen a record number of new daily COVID cases on Sunday.

The department said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had incorrectly reported 28,317 cases for a single day in Florida.

In reality, that number was a combination of cases across three days, not a single day — making it far from record-setting.

In separate tweets directed at WSVN-TV, the South Florida Sun Sentinel and Spectrum 13 News, the Florida Department of Health explained the CDC’s flawed data and said it expected the CDC to correct the errant figure.

“This is not accurate. Florida follows CDC guidelines reporting cases Monday through Friday, other than holidays. Consequently, each Monday or Tuesday, there will be two or three days of data reported at a time. When data is published, it is attributed evenly to the previous days,” read a Monday Twitter post from the department, responding to WSVN-TV’s story on the “record-breaking” daily case numbers.

“The number of cases @CDCgov released for Florida today is incorrect. They combined MULTIPLE days into one. We anticipate CDC will correct the record,” a subsequent tweet said.

In another tweet, the department corrected the Sun Sentinel, “Wrong again. The number of cases @CDCgov released for Florida today is incorrect. They combined MULTIPLE days into one. We anticipate CDC will correct the record.”

Spectrum 13 News received a similar message and was also urged to “Please correct this story to ensure accurate reporting to your audiences.”

Could this simply be an honest mistake?


But given the CDC’s disastrous reputation, it’s equally likely they attempted to smear Florida for its pro-freedom approach to handling COVID-19.

You decide.


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