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Here’s The Video That The CDC And Biden Doesn’t Want You To See


A video that has gone viral shows Dr. Dan Stock use scientific data to expose the uselessness of most schools prortocls regarding COVID-19.

The video clip starts off Dr. Stock introduced himself as a physician who is especially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation and says everything the CDC has recommended thus far goes against scientific data.

He then explained how the Coronavirus and all respiratory viruses are spread by aerosol particles which can go through every type of masks.

Dr. Stock then shared in detail about how the condition antibody mediated viral enhancement happens when a vaccine causes the body to fight the virus in a wrong way.

I highly encouraged you to watch this video, because the doctor in the video isn’t just saying the Covid-19 vaccine is “bad” but rather actually using scientific data to back up his claims.

You can watch it here:

If you rather just read a brief summary of his speech DJHJ Media provided a full review of Dr. Stock’s speech:

Dr. Dan Stock, a McCordsville resident and family medicine physician, let the Mt. Vernon board know that the measures they implemented are those they are thinking of adding are not useful at all.

Dr. Stock said the Indiana Department of Health and CDC recommendations are “contrary to the rules of science.” That’s something a lot of people have been saying, but the news media and social media tech tyrants have been going with the CDC and the like, probably because they either don’t know any better or they are in on the scam with them.

The doctor went on to give give credentials as a medical doctor and said that in his practice he is specially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation. He added, “Everything being recommended by the CDC and the state board of health is actually contrary to all the rules of science.”

Stock then went on to explain of the coronavirus and all other respiratory viruses that “they are spread by aerosol particles which are small enough to go through every mask. By the way, the literature that supports all of that is in a flash drive that we presented to you and it has been given to the secretary.”

The doctor pointed out that the current rise in the virus counts in the middle of the summer season is not normal at all, because summer is a time when respiratory viral syndromes are typically at their lowest. He pointed out that vitamin D3 levels are at their highest during summer, which is why viral syndromes break out during the winter months because people are not outside in the sun as much getting the necessary D3.

He went on to point out a COVID outbreak last months in Provincetown, Massachusetts where the majority of people included vaccinated individuals.

He said that the guidance they are taking from the CDC is why we cannot make the viruses go away saying, “The natural history of all the respiratory viruses is that they circulate all year long waiting for the immune system to get sick through the winter, or become deranged as has happened recently with these vaccines, and then they cause symptomatic disease.”


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