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Italian Parliament Erupts Into Chaos! MPs Stand Up to Orwellian COVID-19 Green Pass System


It’s nice to see at least some politicians are fighting for the people.

These scenes come from Italy as their parliament turned into a madhouse over the country’s new COVID-19 “Green Pass.”

Italy’s version of domestic vaccine passports.

Check out the wild scene:

Wouldn’t you love to see these spineless Republicans attempt this in Congress?

Democrats would pitch a fit for months but it would show freedom-loving Americans that at least some members of Congress have some levels of decency.

But I’ll keep dreaming since these scenes in Italy would never happen in the United States.

The majority of both sides are stooges for Big Pharma and want to inject all Americans with these experimental vaccines.

Despite the increasingly threatening rhetoric against the unvaccinated by the Biden Administration and mainstream media, many Republicans seem perfectly okay with it.

Here are some of the threats made this week:

From FOX News:

Biden will “make clear” that the administration will continue to provide “every resource needed to help communities and individuals across the country curb the spread of the Delta variant, and boost vaccinations,” the official said.

A source familiar with the president’s prepared remarks told Fox News that Biden will also highlight and emphasize the “important work” Republican leaders are doing to “promote vaccinations” in their communities, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

McConnell, this week, said he plans to run 60-second radio ads on more than 100 Kentucky radio stations in the coming days to promote COVID-19 vaccines with money from his reelection campaign, Reuters reported.

Meanwhile, a White House official told Fox News that president will also highlight several new measures that his administration will take to “accelerate” the efforts and curb the spread of the novel coronavirus—especially the delta variant which has become more prominent in the United States in recent weeks.

The president’s expected remarks come after a momentous week of updates regarding the nation’s fight against COVID-19.

On Monday, the Department of Veterans Affairs became the first federal agency to mandate that certain health care, patient-facing employees be vaccinated. States like New York and California also requiring state employees get vaccinated or get tested regularly.

Isn’t that great?

McConnell is using campaign money to push experimental vaccine propaganda in his home state.

Republicans like McConnell are no better than Democrats.

RT reported on the Italian madness:

A session of the Italian Parliament has turned to chaos after a group of right-wing MPs protested the country’s ‘Green Pass’ Covid vaccine cert system, which is soon to become mandatory for accessing most public venues.

The protest was held by members of the Brothers of Italy (FdI) party in the parliamentary chamber on Thursday. Footage from the scene shows the MPs rushing to the center of the chamber, shouting and waving placards reading ‘No Green Pass.’

One of the MPs was promptly chased away by his opponents, however the FdI still managed to continue its demonstration, prompting the speaker to suspend the session. The protesting MPs were booed by their political opponents who support the vaccine certificate system.

The incident unfolded shortly before the legislature was set to vote on a motion, launched by the FdI, questioning whether the recent decree to expand the Green Pass was constitutional. After order was restored and the session continued, the motion was shot down, with 51 votes in favor, 288 against, and a single abstention.

Summit News also weighed in:

The Italian government has introduced one of the most draconian versions of the vaccine passport in Europe.

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From next month, anyone wishing to enter cinemas, theatres, exhibitions, museums, sporting events, private parties, festivals, trade fairs, swimming pools, and gyms will have to prevent proof of vaccination or negative COVID infection status.

“The pass will also be mandatory for all those wishing to access restaurants, bars, and pastry shops,” reports SchengenVisaInfo.

Tourists entering the country will also be mandated to sign up for the green pass.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi justified the introduction of the rules by citing the spread of the delta variant.

“The Delta variant is threatening. It spreads much more quickly than other variants. I invite all Italians to get vaccinated and to do so straight away. Without vaccinations, we’d have to close everything again,” Draghi said.

As we highlighted last week, Italians have been vociferously protesting against the measure, with demonstrators in Turin chanting “no dictatorship” during one rally.


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