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Why Did Biden Randomly Start Talking About “Aliens” and a “Man on the Moon”?


What do aliens, a man on the moon, and the COVID-19 vaccine have in common?


We have no idea.

But apparently all that babble made sense to Joe Biden.

Biden was asked about vaccine hesitancy, especially among Black Americans.

CNN’s Don Lemon asked Joe Biden how he would fix “mistrust in the system” so that people would take vaccines again.

Biden begin rambling, as he usually does.

And then he said this:

Think of the people, if your kid wanted to find out whether or not there were — there’s a man on the moon or whatever, you know, something, or, you know, whether those aliens are here or not, you know, who are the people they talk to beyond the kids who love talking about it?

Say what?!

What in the world does that have to do with COVID or the vaccine?

Seriously… something messed up is happening in Joe’s head.

Watch the clip for yourself:

Again, just ask yourself this question:

How would the media and pop culture in general respond if President Trump said that?

Everyone would be mocking him.

It would be the headlines 24/7.

Yet Joe Biden does this daily.

And hardly anyone seems to care!

At least our friends at the Western Journal reported on it:

I get the feeling President Joe Biden is just as tired of these interminable CNN presidential town halls as I am.

After Wednesday night’s performance, you wonder why he keeps on having them.

There were any number of genuinely outré moments from the event, which featured Biden and CNN host Don Lemon on stage at Mount St. Joseph University in Delhi Township, Ohio. Only one of them was there mentally as well as corporeally, however.

This manifested itself most acutely when Lemon asked the president how he would fix “mistrust in the system,” particularly as it pertained to vaccine hesitancy.

According to a transcript from the Cincinnati Enquirer, the CNN host lamented that “even within my own family, here I am on television every night, there is ambivalence, there’s misinformation.” How would the president convince the hapless folks whose relatives don’t have an hour to while away on cable TV every night?

Biden began by saying that, first off, “we’ve got to restore faith in government. You’ve got to get people to the point where they trust government.”

This was reasonable stuff, even if he called Don Lemon “one of the most informed journalists in the country.”

“Part of it is generally raising confidence in elected officials. Raising confidence,” Biden said.

Here’s your confidence-raiser, America:

He transitioned into talking about how “with regard to your family in particular, part of it is not just that they see you on television and trust you, the people who seem to have the most impact are — you know, for that 17-year-old kid, the kid he or she plays ball with.”

“You got the vaccination? Are you — are you OK? I mean, you seem — no, it works,” Biden said to Lemon, who assented in a way that indicated he wasn’t unaware he was locked in a bad-viral moment with a guy he really likes.

That look didn’t register, apparently. “Or, you know — or the mom and dad or the neighbor or when you go to church or when you’re — now, I really mean it. There are trusted interlocutors,” Biden continued.

“Think of the people, if your kid wanted to find out whether or not there were — there’s a man on the moon or whatever, you know, something, or, you know, whether those aliens are here or not, you know, who are the people they talk to beyond the kids who love talking about it?”

“They go to people they respect. They say, what do you think? And so they should be asking other people, the people — everything from their teachers, to their ministers, to their priests, to people that they trust,” Biden said.

You know, like the elected officials in whom he’s trying very hard to raise confidence.

Nothing Biden said for the remainder of the hour quite touched his Giorgio A. Tsoukalos-level aliens blather — although one has to think about it, which doesn’t settle the stomach.

Remember, folks, this man has his finger on our nuclear arsenal.

We don’t know about you, but to us, that is terrifying.

Biden’s performance at the town hall was a disaster.

No one in America seemed to watch it, as the ratings were well below Fox News.

But I guarantee our enemies overseas are watching…

And their taking note of the weak leadership in D.C.

Fox News reports that Sean Hannity ripped apart Biden’s performance:

President Biden addressed the public during a town hall with CNN Wednesday, which “Hannity” host Sean Hannity considered an “unmitigated disaster.”

“Many of Joe’s answers were completely incomprehensible,” he said. “At times no one seemed to know what the hell Joe was even talking about. Not even Don Lemon, not the audience, not even Joe himself.”

Hannity spotlighted moments where Biden stammered over his thoughts while answering questions about vaccinating children and mistrust in the Black community, calling it a “total cognitive mess.”

But the host admitted that the joke surrounding Biden’s cognizance really isn’t funny when national security is at risk. And when the president was able to form a coherent thought, he was “almost always lying” including his assertion that crime in the U.S. is down.

“[He] doesn’t really seem to have a firm grasp on any issues of any substance,” he said. “And sometimes it seems like he’s living in this alternate reality of his.”

Biden also suggested that the crisis at the border is nearly mended as immigrants in custody have been cut by 90%. Hannity cleared up that migrants released from the hands of border patrol are dwindling because they’re being let loose into the country.

Hannity said the president also “lied” about obvious inflation, passing it off as a natural economic incline, and tried to convince the audience that continued unemployment benefits are not keeping workers at home instead of filling job openings.

So what do you think?

Is Biden simply a poor public speaker?

Or have his recent performances been red flags regarding his cognitive decline?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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