WOW. Where does this guy get off?
According to a new report, Mueller’s attack dog Andrew Weissmann thinks that Tucker Carlson is “anti-American” because he isn’t a big fan of The NSA spying on him.
Weissmann should be in jail right now for his role in repeatedly trying and failing to remove a duly elected President of The United States.
There are a lot of things I want to say about this guy, but I don’t think they would be very tasteful—you guys probably have an idea of some of my choice words for Weissmann anyway.
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The point is, what Andrew Weissmann is saying is way out of line, and every American worth their salt should be completely outraged by what he is saying, and the kind of person he is.
Andrew Weissmann, and his precious NSA are the only anti-American elements here—NOT Tucker Carlson.
Here is what people are saying about Weissmann:
Most corrupt prosecutor in the history of the United States, Andrew Weissmann, calls Tucker Carlson “anti-American” for blowing the whistle on the NSA’s illegal unmasking and leaking of him and his private info.
Weissmann should be in prison.
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) July 9, 2021
#Thread Tucker Carlson’s Monologue Tonight On The NSA Spying On Him & Leaking The Contents To Journalists
Tucker Announces He Was Looking To Interview Russian President Putin: “I’m an American citizen I can interview whoever I want, and I plan to.” 1/
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) July 8, 2021
Trending Politics had this to report:
According to Weissmann; “If you think about what Tucker Carlson could have done here, he could have followed the same route that The New York Times and other respected journalists did when they were incidentally overheard and may have, in fact, not been incidentally had their call records obtained by the Department of Justice.” He said.
Mueller’s pit bull continued; “They could have gone to the attorney general, and Tucker Carlson could have joined them to say what I’m concerned about here is not that there was incidental collection when I am calling a foreigner, including if you try to reach out to Vladimir Putin, you can pretty much be sure you’re going to be high risk of being intercepted.”
He added; “He could have said, look, there’s a First Amendment issue, and I want to be sure there are safeguards, but he didn’t take that route. He did, as you said, and as frank pointed out, he wanted to use this for his own purposes and to sow distrust which is so anti-American. Instead of raising a legitimate issue about safeguards in the system when you’re dealing with journalists to make sure that this is not something that senior officials in the department are making sure this was done responsibly.” Said Weissmann.
Robert Mueller's Service Animal, Andrew Weissmann, Yaps About Tucker Carlson and the NSA and Confirms Your Worst Thoughts About Him— RedState (@RedState) July 9, 2021
Previously, America Didn't Really Know What A Disgusting Pig Andrew Weissmann Is…
…He Seems To Be Determined To Teach Us Quickly.
America 𝑲𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒔 Who Is Anti-American.Weissmann: ‘Anti-American‘ for Tucker Carlson to Complain About NSA Surveillance
— Dimms Are 4am 𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒖𝒅𝒔 (@robertluster) July 9, 2021
Breitbart added:
On what planet can an intellectually honest person dismiss Carlson as a liar?
Not on Planet U.S.A. in the year 2021, I’ll tell you that… Not after what we saw with the Deep State/Media Russia Collusion Hoax. Not after the IRS scandal where conservatives were targeted for harassment and crippling audits.
Not after the FBI was caught lying on warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Not after the Obama White House was caught perusing wiretaps of the Trump campaign. Not after the cascade of illegal deep state leaks — most of them lies — deliberately timed and spun to remove Trump from office (which is what real people call a coup). Not after Edward Snowden. Not after Julian Assange.
The idea of the Deep State’s spying on Tucker Carlson to ruin him would only surprise me if it turned to out not be true.
Not only are the past five years enough proof to give Carlson the benefit of the doubt, so too is the fact just this week, someone leaked Carlson’s emails requesting an interview with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.
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