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Everything You Need To Know About The Pentagon Report On UFO’s


The first official step in disclosure happened yesterday evening.

Many are calling it a historic day, as U.S. government agencies admit for the first time in 70 years that the UFO phenomenon is real and has a physical component to it.

According to sources, the 9 page report is inconclusive and leaves the public with more questions than answers.

In the report The Pentagon was unable to confirm, nor rule out the possibility of extra terrestrial origin for these craft, and a vast majority to this day lack conventional explanation.

As more reports make their way through the internet, media outlets, and government agencies, the theory that this is some foreign drone technology continues to be more unlikely.

Advanced flight capabilities, trans medium travel, the advanced understanding of physics displayed, and the revelation that The United States Government has been tracking UFO’s for 70 years are just some of the evidence suggesting these are not foreign drones.

We still have a long way until we get solid answers from the government, but make no mistake: yesterday was a historic day.

Here is what you need to know about The Pentagon’s UFO report:

Reuters summed up the report nicely:

A U.S. government report on UFOs issued on Friday said defense and intelligence analysts lack sufficient data to determine the nature of mysterious flying objects observed by American military pilots including whether they are advanced earthly technologies, atmospherics or of an extraterrestrial origin.

The unclassified nine-page report, released to Congress and the public, encompasses 144 observations – mostly from U.S. Navy personnel – of what the government officially calls “unidentified aerial phenomenon,” or UAP, dating back to 2004.

Labeled a preliminary assessment, it was compiled by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in conjunction with a Navy-led task force created by the Pentagon last year.

“UAP clearly pose a safety of flight issue and may pose a challenge to U.S. national security,” the report stated, adding that the phenomena “probably lack a single explanation.”


CNN went more in depth:

Worryingly for national security professionals, the report also found that the sightings were “clustered” around US training and testing grounds. But investigators downplayed those concerns, assessing that “this may result from a collection bias as a result of focused attention, greater numbers of latest-generation sensors operating in those areas, unit expectations and guidance to report anomalies.”

Still, the Pentagon said in a statement after the report’s release that it plans to formalize the study of UFOs.

A memo from Deputy Secretary Kathleen Hicks instructed the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security to create a formal mission for the work currently done by the UAP Task Force.

Hicks framed it as a question of national security, saying, “It is critical that the United States maintain operations security and safety at DoD ranges,” noting that many of the observations have been near military areas.

Hicks called for reports of UAP observations to be ready within two weeks of an occurrence or observation.


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