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White House Lays Groundwork to Target Conservatives as ‘Domestic Terrorists’


Today the White House lays the groundwork to target conservatives as ‘domestic terrorists’.

This may seem shocking to some but they are claiming that racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists pose the greatest terrorism threat in the United States.

On the surface, many will simply say that’s great because we obviously don’t want ethnically motivated violent extremists running around harming others.

What many fail to realize is the fact that the government isn’t just after the actual individuals causing harm which in reality is a very small number. They are grouping conservatives, military, ex-military, Christians, libertarians — basically anyone who isn’t part of the ‘woke’ culture in the group with these ‘domestic terrorists.

Think I’m joking?

The Atlantic reports:

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The Greater Danger: Military-Trained Right-Wing Extremists

Prior to the Boston bombing, a series of high-profile attacks prompted concern about Islamist extremists within the U.S. armed forces. It’s not unfounded, but it downplays a bigger threat.

CNN reports how Biden admin to expand surveillance state:

Biden team may partner with private firms to monitor extremist chatter online

The Biden administration is considering using outside firms to track extremist chatter by Americans online, an effort that would expand the government’s ability to gather intelligence but could draw criticism over surveillance of US citizens.

The Department of Homeland Security is limited in how it can monitor citizens online without justification and is banned from activities like assuming false identities to gain access to private messaging apps used by extremist groups such as the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers.
Many looked at these stories and thought ‘that’ll never happen here’. The government would never actually classify upstanding Americans as domestic terrorists.
Well, think again!
Politico reports:

The White House on Tuesday announced a cross-agency strategy to combat domestic terrorism, just two weeks after President Joe Biden promised the upcoming release during his remarks commemorating the Tulsa massacre.

The effort is the culmination of a review, led by the National Security Council, of how the U.S. government has dealt with the growing threat. It reiterates that militia extremists and racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists — predominantly white supremacists — are the most lethal and persistent terrorism threat facing the U.S.

“Further, this found that violent extremists who promote the superiority of the white race have the most persistent transnational connections, and maybe have frequent contact with violent extremists abroad,” a senior administration official said.

But the review did not find a strong connection between domestic terrorism and foreign actors, the official noted. “This is largely today an inside-out problem, not an outside-in problem,” the official said, though adding that there are adversaries “seeking to sow divisions in our society.”

The strategy document focuses on understanding and sharing information about the threat, preventing the mobilization and recruitment of domestic terrorists, disrupting domestic terrorism plots and combating social problems that contribute to the growth of domestic terrorism.

“That means tackling racism in America,” the strategy document reads. “It means protecting Americans from gun violence and mass murders. It means ensuring that we provide early intervention and appropriate care for those who pose a danger to themselves or others.”

Some of its recommendations build on steps the administration has already taken. The document highlights the importance of better information-sharing between the feds and state and local governments on the domestic threat, as well as the importance of gathering better intelligence on extremism. Both challenges have been major priorities for the Department of Homeland Security under Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

To help DHS, U.S attorneys offices and FBI field offices have the necessary resources to address domestic terrorism, the administration is seeking over $100 million in the president’s Fiscal Year 2022 budget.

The document discusses the importance of international cooperation to combat violent extremism — a move already undergirded by the Biden administration’s recent decision to join the Christchurch Call, a multilateral effort helmed by the government of New Zealand to eliminate terrorist content online.

This also means the government will work with tech companies to improve information-sharing with social media platforms — a key vector for recruitment and the mobilization of violence — so that companies can better enforce their terms of service agreements to protect users, a senior administration official said. The strategy also includes a focus on digital literacy programming.

It also says the government is working to “augment the screening process” for people receiving security clearances for government work as part of its efforts to keep potential domestic terrorists from getting national security jobs. And it says the State Department and Treasury Department are working together to assess whether more foreign groups linked to domestic terrorism can be formally designated as terrorist groups — moves that would ban Americans from giving them money. The document says that Treasury is also “enhancing engagement with financial institutions on domestic terrorist financing.”

The Department of Defense will also collaborate with DHS and the Justice Department to ensure that domestic terrorists are not working in the U.S. military or law enforcement agencies. The Pentagon will implement training for service members who leave or retire from the military — frequent targets of extremist groups — according to the strategy document.

While groups like antifa and black lives matter are rioting across the country. While they set up what are essentialy ‘no go zones’ and terrorize American Citizens — it is the white Trump supporters who are labeled the domestic terrorists.

This if about far more than fighting domestic terrorism, this is about isolating political dissidents and labeling them as terrorists. These are tactics employed by communist countries like China and Russia — and they are being employed right in our own backyard!

And of course, the brainwashed minions on Twitter fall right in line with the idea of arresting conservatives as domestic terrorists.

Again, I must remind you that there is no mention anywhere of antifa or black lives matter when referring to domestic terror groups!


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