You gotta love President Trump’s sense of humor.
He has the uncanny ability to tell the truth while making you laugh!
President Trump just said “good luck” to Joe Biden.
Isn’t this the unity that Biden wanted?
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Specifically, Trump wished Biden good luck meeting with Putin at the G7 summit.
Then in true Trump fashion, he added:
Don’t fall asleep!
As they say, the best humor is rooted in truth…
Remember, there’s a reason the people call him “Sleepy Joe!”
In fact, just yesterday, Jill Biden had to snap at Joe!
Joe, pay attention!
See for yourself:
If Jill Biden as first lady of the US has to tell Joe, as president to pay attention in front of our military… we look the weakest we've ever been to our foreign adversaries.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) June 10, 2021
Jill Biden to Joe during speech: "Joe, pay attention."
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) June 9, 2021
We certainly hope that Joe pays attention when he meets with Putin.
And we certainly hope that he does NOT fall asleep.
"Good luck Biden in dealing with President Putin." President Trump.
— Bonfire Guy (@blayone) June 10, 2021
Trump Offers Biden ‘Good Luck’ In Meeting With Putin, Flaunts Russia Investigation
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 10, 2021
We know for a fact that Joe Biden is very sleepy.
In fact, CNN ran an article in February talking about Biden’s early bedtimes.
They are certainly much earlier than any modern president.
According to CNN:
As Biden settles into a job he has been seeking on-and-off for three decades, the daily routine of being president — with a phalanx of Secret Service agents, regular updates on the nation’s top secrets and an ever-present press corps — has come more naturally for him than for his more recent predecessors.
He has established a regular schedule, including coffee in the mornings with the first lady, meetings and phone calls from the Oval Office starting just after 9 a.m. and a return to his residence by 7 p.m. As he walks home along the Colonnade, he’s often seen carrying a stack of binders or manila folders under one arm. He still brings a brown leather briefcase into the office.
Unlike his most recent predecessors — night owls who spent the dark hours reading briefing materials (President Barack Obama) or watching television (President Donald Trump) — Biden is more of an early-to-bed type. He has continued a tradition of reading letters from Americans, a handful of which are tucked into the briefing materials he brings home in the evenings. Recently they have focused on the pandemic; Biden has also spoken by video conference with business owners and laid-off workers weathering the economic crisis.
Biden spent ample time at the White House as vice president, navigating West Wing hallways and administration politics for eight years as Obama’s No. 2. He has spent more time working in Washington than any president in decades. His adjustment period inside the executive mansion has been minimal.
“It feels like I am going home,” he said as he entered the White House on Inauguration Day. Though he had never lived in the building previously, it was a return of sorts for a man who has wanted to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for years.
He has found his old stomping grounds familiar, dropping into his onetime office in the West Wing one day last week to show his new vice president the place on the window where his wife wrote him a Valentine’s Day greeting in 2009.
He’s made surprise visits to other offices in the building as well, asking staffers what they are working on or consulting them on specific questions related to his Covid-19 relief plan.
He wasted little time showing off his new digs to his old colleagues in the Senate, inviting nearly a quarter of all senators to the Oval Office over his first three weeks on the job for talks on his Covid-19 relief plan and a new infrastructure package.And he hasn’t been put off by the pack of reporters who track his every move. He’s shown more willingness to answer shouted questions than Obama was, weighing in on his predecessor’s impeachment trial even as the White House insisted he was focused on other things.
We know that Biden has early bed times.
And we clearly know that he has trouble paying attention.
Hopefully this won’t negatively affect any of his meetings at the G7 summit.
Remember, the summit is taking place overseas, so jetlag could make Biden…well… even sleepier.
Former President Trump statement on upcoming Biden-Putin Summit
“Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin—don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards!”
— Mona Salama (@ByMonaSalama) June 10, 2021
“Good luck to Biden dealing with Putin don’t fall asleep during meeting, give him warmest regards!” Trump said.
Trump nicknamed Biden “Sleepy Joe” claimed he was in mental decline.#SleepyJoeBiden #Trump
— chris west (@cwest0583) June 11, 2021
Again, what makes President Trump such an effective communicator is his ability to tell the truth while making you laugh.
The New York Post confirms Trump’s well wishes:
Former President Donald Trump on Thursday wished President Biden luck in his upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin — and also encouraged him to stay awake.
“Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin—don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards!” Trump said in an emailed statement.
Trump nicknamed Biden “Sleepy Joe” during last year’s presidential campaign and repeatedly claimed he was in mental decline.
His snarky well-wishes to Biden follow the president’s meeting Thursday with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The leaders showered each other with compliments and Biden even gave Johnson a new bicycle.
Biden will meet Putin on Wednesday in Geneva, Switzerland, after meeting Queen Elizabeth II this weekend at Windsor Castle and then attending a NATO summit in Belgium.
It’s not yet clear if Biden and Putin will hold a joint press conference in Geneva. Trump was forced into damage control after a 2018 press conference in Finland with Putin, at which he appeared to accept Putin’s denial that Russia hacked Democrats in 2016.
Trump said in his new statement that “[a]s President, I had a great and very productive meeting in Helsinki, Finland, with President Putin of Russia. Despite the belated Fake News portrayal of the meeting, the United States won much, including the respect of President Putin and Russia.”
Trump continued that the FBI’s Russia investigation, which fruitlessly investigated him for possibly colluding with Russia, was to blame for impeding his foreign policy.
Regardless of differing political views, we hope that Biden is able to protect America on the world stage.
Hopefully he doesn’t fall asleep.
And hopefully his “American last” policies don’t take root.
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