Studies are finally coming out with what looks like common sense knowledge about the Covid vaccine.
And it seems the immune system is finally getting some credit!
Scientists from the Cleveland Clinic found that those who had Covid-19 did not receive any benefit from a Covid vaccine.
In fact, the study even states that those with a previous Covid infection receive NO benefit from the vaccine.
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52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic took part in the study which showed that “not a single incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was observed in previously infected participants with or without vaccination.”
Great news! Cleveland clinic study of 52,238 employees shows unvaccinated people who have had COVID 19 have no difference in re-infection rate than people who had COVID 19 and who took the vaccine.
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 8, 2021
I’ve been saying this since last year. I even showed @CDCgov the vaccine trial data showed this. They privately acknowledged I was right, but then continued to lie about what the trial data showed. @SharylAttkisson covered their cover-up months ago.
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) June 8, 2021
Fox 8 has more on the story:
The Cleveland Clinic recently studied the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccination among people who caught the virus and those who haven’t.
The study finds that anyone who previously tested positive for a SARS-CoV-2 infection did not get additional benefits from the vaccine, which suggests the vaccines should be prioritized to people who haven’t gotten the infection.
The clinic says this research provides insight into how the immune system protects the body once a COVID-19 infection is confirmed.
During the study that was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic, the clinic says “not a single incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was observed in previously infected participants with or
without vaccination.”
The clinic still recommends that anyone who can get the vaccine, should.
The Cleveland Clinic tells FOX 8, “We don’t know how long the immune system will protect against reinfection or protect against variants. We still recommend those eligible receive the vaccine.”
The statement goes on to say, “This data could guide vaccination efforts should there be a shortage of vaccine supply and in areas where vaccine supply is limited.”
It’s nice to see natural immunity gaining steam against Covid!
Will Biden, the CDC, or mainstream media acknowledge this great discovery?
This should be a discovery of great celebration.
Instead, Joe Biden, Tony Fauci, & the CDC will ignore it. Because the goal is control, not smart public health.
— BDW (@BryanDeanWright) June 8, 2021
Plus, with the fake news glorifying vaccines, how will people know not to get the vaccine if Covid can be asymptomatic?
News Medical Life Sciences has the full report of the study and its findings:
Scientists from the Cleveland Clinic, USA, have recently evaluated the effectiveness of coronavirus disease 2019 COVID-19) vaccination among individuals with or without a history of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection.
The study findings reveal that individuals with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection do not get additional benefits from vaccination, indicating that COVID-19 vaccines should be prioritized to individuals without prior infection. The study is currently available on the medRxiv* preprint server.
In the United States, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has provided emergency use authorization for two mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, which have shown high efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease in clinical trials. However, the ability to vaccinate a large part of the global population is limited by vaccine supply.
In order to ensure fair access to vaccines throughout the world, the COVID-19 vaccines Global Access (COVAX) initiative was launched. In many countries, especially those with low socioeconomic status, there is a serious shortage of vaccines. Thus, in order to get the maximum vaccine benefits, the most vulnerable population should be prioritized for the vaccination.
Currently, most countries prioritize vaccination for healthcare and other frontline workers, elderly people, and people with comorbidities.
To further narrow down the prioritization criteria, the scientists in the current study have evaluated the necessity of COVID-19 vaccines for individuals who were previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.
Study design
The study was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic. A positive RT-PCR test was considered to define SARS-CoV-2 infection. The participants received two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at an interval of 28 days. A participant was considered vaccinated after 14 days of receiving the 2nd vaccine dose. Similarly, a participant who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 at least 42 days before the vaccination initiation was considered previously infected.
Important observations
Of all enrolled participants, 5% had previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. Compared to 59% of non-infected participants, only 47% of previously infected participants were vaccinated by the end of the study. About 63% of all vaccinated participants received the Moderna vaccine.
The analysis of cumulative COVID-19 incidence revealed that during the course of the study, SARS-CoV-2 infection occurred almost exclusively in participants who were not previously infected and were not vaccinated.
Interestingly, no significant difference in COVID-19 incidence was observed between previously infected and currently unvaccinated participants, previously infected and currently vaccinated participants, and previously uninfected and currently vaccinated participants.
The participants from these three groups exhibited a significantly lower incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection compared to previously uninfected and currently unvaccinated participants.
Specifically, of all infections during the study period, 99.3% occurred in participants who were not infected previously and remained unvaccinated. In contrast, only 0.7% of infections occurred in participants who were not previously infected but were currently vaccinated.
Importantly, not a single incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was observed in previously infected participants with or without vaccination.
With further statistical analysis, it was observed that the COVID-19 vaccination significantly reduced the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in previously uninfected participants but not in previously infected participants.
Although the study did not directly estimate the duration of protection from natural infection, it was observed that previously infected participants remained protected against COVID-19 for at least 10 months after the symptom onset or a positive test result.
Study significance
The study findings reveal that individuals who previously had symptomatic COVID-19 are less likely to get additional benefits from vaccination.
In contrast, individuals without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection can get the maximum benefits from vaccination. Thus, based on the study findings, COVID-19 vaccines should be prioritized to naïve individuals without a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
It’s clearly unethical to mandate the Covid vaccine when it provides no additional benefit to those who’ve had Covid.
‘No additional benefits’ means vaccine passports cannot be medically or ethically justified.
Requiring ppl to introduce unnecessary medical risk in order to participate in society is dystopian.
(How does this even need to be said?)
— AJ Kay (@AJKayWriter) June 8, 2021
If your job is trying to make you get vaccinated after you already had Covid, get an antibody test and FIGHT BACK!
— Dr. Poppy Daniels (@drpoppyBHRT) June 9, 2021
If Fraudci and the CDC didn’t propagandize this experimental vaccine, America may have reached herd immunity by now.
Will the Left listen to the science or continue on their crazed “vaccinate everyone” mission?
Maybe this study is the wake-up call the rest of America needs.
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