Many people miss the Obama administration. The daily lectures about how you were supposed to live your life, and the mansplaining. My favorite was witnessing the worldwide apology tour. That had real Rolling Stones vibes.
After four years with President Trump, we nearly forgot how to live life according to liberal’s opinions. Under Trump, we were free-thinking, independent citizens.
Thankfully, Joseph Biden has assembled his band of merry men and women to bring back the good old days of liberal oppression.
One of those morally superior leaders that Joe has placed over us is Pete Buttigieg. He’s our transportation secretary. The man has no experience in transportation. His only claim to fame is being mayor of a town of 100,000 people.
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Mayor Pete is now in charge of the planes, trains, and automobiles of three hundred million Americans.
Does Pete lead based on science or data? No. Does he bring in experts to tell him how things work? Unfortunately, no. Pete’s leadership style is a little bit more laid back.
Pete Buttigieg leads based on FEELINGS.
Not just his feelings, but on the feelings of others.
Not just the feelings of others, but on the feelings of other peoples’ feelings about feelings.
This is what 200K in liberal arts education will get you. Leaders who lead on feelings rather than pesky things called facts and data.
— David (@David51541879) June 1, 2021
This is not a joke. The Hill shares an incredible example of Mayor Pete’s brilliant leadership style. Have you wondered why we’re still required to wear masks in subways, buses, and airplanes? Thank Mayor Pete for that.Â
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Sunday defended mask mandates on airplanes and other public transportation as a “matter of respect,” despite Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines that suggest fully vaccinated people can go without face coverings in a host of public areas both inside and outside.
Despite data and CDC guidelines, Pete Buttigieg wants to keep Americans muzzled so people’s feelings won’t get hurt.
As if that weren’t mental enough, Pete assures the interviewer that he’s following expert guidance while also ignoring expert wisdom within the very same statement. Here’s his exact quote!
“Well, some of the differences have to do with the physical space. Some of them have to do with it being a workplace wherein in some of these transit and travel situations, people don’t have a choice,” Buttigieg said, adding that such decisions would continue to be guided by public health experts.
“It’s a matter of safety, but it’s also a matter of respect,” he said
It’s hard to tell someone who thinks they know everything how ignorant they are, so the reporter doesn’t even try to. Instead, she asks Pete to give us a sermon on how we should treat each other.
Buttigieg urged the public to be civil when dealing with transportation workers who have been on the front lines of the pandemic for more than one year.
“Remember what they have been through, what they have been doing to keep you safe, and make sure to show some appreciation and respect to everybody from a bus driver, operator to a flight attendant to a captain,” he said. They have been on the front lines of this pandemic. Their jobs have been in doubt. They are here for your safety.”
What would we do without the condescending teachings of Saint Pete telling us how to live our lives? It’s so refreshing that we no longer have to think and act for ourselves as Americans. There are people like Pete that can do it for us.
Maybe at some point, Pete’s “FEELINGS” on masks will change so he can read our lips about how much we appreciate him.
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