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Timothy Dixon Shares The Visions He Has Kept Private Until Now


I know Timothy Dixon is a favorite of MANY readers of WeLoveTrump.

Yours truly included.

So I am always excited to bring you a new video from him, but especially this one which seems extra special.

If you’ve listened to some of Dixon’s recent videos, he sometimes says he does not feel God releasing him to say certain things yet.

Well today he released a new video where he finally opened up about many of these things.

It’s really awesome and I will cut right to the chase….justice IS coming, and Donald Trump IS coming back to retake his rightful seat in the White House.

Those two things are already done deals according to Dixon, and he believes we are very close to seeing them both come to pass.

I know some of you have grown weary in waiting, but I hope this encourages you.

I don’t know about you, but I can feel the sincerity and power when this man speaks.

Please watch here:

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